Courtney- the reunion

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I'm so excited today is my high school reunion, and I'm going to be seeing my old friends. I'm also scared though because my high school crush is probably going to be there. The Courtney Miller. Of course she doesn't know I liked her, and possibly still do, but she liked me. In 10th grade she told me she did, and I was scared because I didn't come out to myself yet (I know Courtney didn't really come out then but in this story she did and was open about it). I wanted to dress really nicely so I picked out the perfect outfit.

(If you don't like anything in the outfit feel free to change anything)I was almost shaking but got through it

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(If you don't like anything in the outfit feel free to change anything)
I was almost shaking but got through it. I did some light makeup, but all natural. With a pail pink lip. I hopped into the uber and was on my way.

Courtney's POV
Oh my god! Was all I could think. I'm going to see y/n for the first time in 5 years (you are both 23 at the time). Does she remember me? Does she think I'm crazy? Does she hate me? I know she's (sexuality) because we follow each other on Instagram, what if she changed her mind? What if I don't feel the same? Ugh of corse is do! It's my brain. Ok time to get ready. I picked out a really nice outfit!

(Again if you don't like it you can choose something else)

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(Again if you don't like it you can choose something else). At least my high school friends are going. Not like I had a ton. When I was growing up I had 3 good friends.
1 week ago...
High Skool friends😘
A- hey y'all I can't make it.
C- nooooooo
K- why?
A- I have to go to a funeral.😞
L- oh I'm so sorry Avery.
A- oh it's ok.
C- we will miss you ave.
K- kisses😘
A- bye y'all
Soo Avery isn't going, but I still had lily and Kate. Until 5 days ago
C- what?
K- My big sister is getting married!
L- Karlie?
K- Yeah!
C- Tell her I said congrats.
L- Me too💕
K- I will but I have bad news...
L- what?
K- we are having a family dinner the night of the reunion, and it's in another state.
C- dang it. Well it's important I'd hate for you to miss it.
L- yeah I hope you have fun!
K- thanks for understanding!
C- no problem at least lily and I are still going!
L- about that.
C- Lily?
L- I can't go🥺
C- Dang it!
L- my nephew needs a baby sitter and I need to help with medication and stuff.
(Don't get mad I'm bad at coming up with excuses)
C- oh I get it it's cool!
Now I'm going alone. I was really disappointed and wasn't going to go until my sister convinced me. I tell her about everything so she knew. Well i was ready to go... alone. I got in the uber and drove over.
——— time skip to party
I arrived and a lot of people were already there. I saw my friends had a few drinks and I chatted with them. Then I saw her. Courtney Miller. My friend noticed she caught my eye and told me to go over. They pressured me to so I left the group, but I was to scared so I went to get punch.
Courtney's POV
I saw y/n, and wanted to go over but was to scared so I went to the snack table. I didn't want to look bad so I decided to get a quick drink and that's when I saw her at the punch bowl. Her beautiful e/c eyes, and h/c hair. She looked gorgeous in her outfit. God dang it I was staring. I quickly turned away.
Y/n's POV
I saw her. Sparkling blue eyes, and uplifting smile. She was perfect. She shifted around quickly, was she avoiding me? I tapped on her shoulder. My heart was racing. She turned around and looked red. I didn't really care. "Uh, Courtney?" I asked. "Oh my gosh if it isn't y/f/n!" She acted like she didn't see me already. "How are you?" She quickly asked. Was she nervous. "You don't have to be nervous. I don't bite." God why did I say that? Bad y/n. BAD! She froze. "Umm, I'm sorry. All my friends that were gonna come bailed on me, so I feel a little weird." She stuttered. "No, that's my bad. I had no right to say it like that. And I'm sorry they couldn't make it. You can stay with me if you want!" She just looked at me, and smiled. Did I say something wrong?
Courtney's POV
'You can stay with me!' I'm I hitting it of with the most amazing person it the world? No I'm crazy. We haven't spoke in years. I really just wanted to talk so I stayed away from the alcohol, so did she. God she is amazing. "Do you wanna sit?" She asked. Was I starring again? I hope not. We sat down and talked. We talked about a lot of stuff. Like fashion, work, relationships. Is it bad I'm happy we are both single? About an hour passed. "Hey is it bad I'm kinda happy your friend couldn't make it?" She asked. "Honestly I'm really glad I got to talk to you tonight. Catching up is really great!" I replied. "Do you wanna hear something silly?" I was interested with what was silly so I nodded. "I was kinda scared of coming tonight. We weren't really friends in high school, but I wanted to be. I went over to the punch table on my way to talk to you." "Really?" I kinda shouted. I was shocked. Why would she be scared? "I was about to not come until you gave me a reason too. I was scared to come talk to you tonight after 10th grade but I really wanted to." I said relived. Wait does she remember what happened in 10th grade? What if she didn't? I started to feel my breath getting heavy. "Hey, Court. Calm down it's ok. Breath in, and out." Y/n helped me steady my breath again. "To be honest that's the main reason I wanted to talk to you tonight." She said. "What? My breathing?" I asked. "No silly! 10th grade. I've felt bad ever since that day. I didn't realize i liked you too until 12th, but was worried you didn't feel the same anymore. One day I went to tell you, but saw you under the bleachers with Kellie S." My heart felt broken. I still liked her then I've always still liked her. I still do. "Oh, that day, and a lot of the time really, girls would come to me wanting to 'experiment' so you just caught me at a bad time y/n. I did still liked you." She stood up after I finished. Was she gonna leave me? Was she upset? "Follow me." I went with her outside and around the building to the football field. We sat on the bleachers. "Can I confess something?" She asked. I nodded. "I still like you Courtney. It brings me joy to see you photos come up on my feed. I've written so many message drafts to get together, have coffee, lunch, see a movie, and other activities." I was beet red. I could feel it. She looked beautiful in the field lighting. Her eyes sparkled. "Y/n, I've never stopped liking you. You are amazing. I talk about you so much to my sister and every time I try to text you but can't. I love being around you and made tonight amazing for me." She leaned closer to me and we were now super close. I leaned in the rest of the way and she wrapped her hands around my neck as he deepened the kiss. My hands were now around her waist. She scooted close to where now she was on her knees over my lap. I leaned in more. We kept going until I felt her smile. Then she giggled. We backed up from each other. "What was that for? Was it bad?" I was breathing heavy again. "Not at all. I'm just happy. I've been waiting for this moment for 5 years. No wonder all the girls went to you." I giggled too. "I just wish you did too." We just sat and smiled at each other, still with her over me from when we kissed. We both leaned in again and kissed even more passionate then the firsts. I wish this moment would last forever. The quiet field, star filled sky, me, y/n, us. Just us, together. The kiss ended for the second time and we exchanged numbers then went back inside.

1490 WORDS
I'm really proud of this one. It's a great story line in my opinion and I got it out fast. DON'T BE A GHOST COMMENT AND RATE PLEASE.

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