Nolivia- Colors

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I've read a lot of stories about soulmates and decided I wanted to write one! If you don't understand what I mean then just read along. Also I enjoyed writing ships, so here's another! I'm gonna play with time a little for this one!

Noah's POV
It's my first job interview today and I'm really scared. I'm hoping to get the job because if I do I'm going to be acting! I haven't acted since high school, and I could've done better. I heard that there are going to be three people casted, so ok odds. Right? I was getting dress hoping that it matched. All I saw was grey. I only had grey. I nervously stepped out of my house and into my car. I drive over slowly. Too anxious to get there. I sat in the parking lot debating if I should go in. I decided too. As I stepped into the large office space the interview was is is notice I was the youngest one there. There was one chair left on the end next to an Asian girl. She was very pretty I decided to go sit next to her, but I was too awkward to say hi. I noticed she was a little shaky, and wanted to help so I nudged her shoulder lightly. "Hey," I calmly stated. All she did was look up at me. "Are you nervous?" I politely questioned. All she did was nod. "Don't worry I bet you are gonna do great!" I smiled and she smiled in return looking down, burying her face under her long hair. "I'm Noah," I wanted her to talk. "Olivia," she finally spoke. Her voice was beautiful. She looked up to be and smiled. Her smile was heart warming. Her beautiful brown eyes looking into mine. Wait. Hold up. Brown! Did I just see a color!? I kept observing her look. She was wearing a navy blue shirt. Another color! She had black pants, and long black hair, and pale pink lip gloss, and white nails, and white shoes. I looked down at myself seeing dark red pants, and a grey shirt. At least it matched. I've found my soul mate. I've seen color. I've found her. I've found Olivia. She looked at me amazed. Like I was the most amazing thing she has ever seen. "Is it just me? Are you seeing it too?" I looked at her smiled, and nodded. It was finally time for us to go in. I went first. I was asked questions about things like acting experience, movies I like, impressions I could do, blah blah blah. It was Olivia's turn and she was as nervous as ever. I stepped out and gave her a hug. I was nervous for her. Hoping we would get the job together. She stepped out finally relived. "How do you think it went?" I questioned. "Good! You?" She asked. "Good! I'm gonna give you my number, I'll call you when we get the message.
— 2 days later —
I just revived an email from smosh that I'm going to be a cat member. I was so excited until I remembered about Olivia. My phone started to ring. It was Olivia. I picked it up.
Hey liv!...Hey! Did you get an email?...Yeah so hyped did you?...I'm to scared to read it...Just do it!...Ok ok. Dear Olivia Sui we are so excited to let you know that you will be coming to work first thing Monday morning!...We need to celebrate!...Yeah! There's a cool coffee place down the street from the office I'll send you the address!...Sounds good! See ya there.
I ended the call and got changed. I got the text with the address and she said 'can't wait to see you😘' my cheeks turned bright red as I got excited. This is the first time in color I've seen myself blush, and I love it. I hopped in my car and drove over, horribly singing along to the radio. When I arrived I stepped in and saw Olivia at a table with two drinks. "Hey! How did you know what my favorite drink is?" She giggled. "I didn't but were soulmates so I assumed our favorites were similar." I laughed and sat down. We spent the whole time just talking to one another.
—time skip 4 years—
"Hey Keith!" Keith and I became best friends instantly. I told him everything about Olivia and I. Olivia is best friends with Courtney. Today is our four year anniversary together and I want to propose. Keith and Courtney helped me plan it. I was going to take her to the coffee shop we went to on our first date. Then through the park I'll have a picnic with all of her favorite foods. And finally pop the question.

The day finally ended and I told Olivia to go to our home and dress nice, but comfy. I wore a button up shirt and some jeans. She stepped out of our room and was wearing a sundress. I drove her to the coffee shop and we just talked for about 2 hours. I told her that I had a surprise and drove her to the park blindfolded. Once we arrived I helped her out of the car, and walked her over. She took off the blindfold and was astonished. "Noah I really can't believe it. We agreed on no gifts and you do all of this for me?" She ran over to me and hugged me. We sat, and ate, and talked some more. I had an idea. There was a couple walking by as the sun was setting. I asked them if they could take a picture of us, and told them my plan. When we stood in front of the sun he counted down and when he got to three I got down on my knee. Olivia turned to look at me. Her eyes watering, as mine were too. "Olivia Sui, since the day I met you I knew we belonged together. I love your goofy personality, and how caring, and cuddly you are, and how when your with me you are just so care free. When I'm with you I feel so happy, and loved. I want to amend the rest of my life with you Olivia .I've been with you for four years and it's finally time I ask you. Olivia Sui will you marry me?" At this point she was bawling. She jumped at me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Yes of course! Noah Grossman I love you!" She cried. "Olivia Sui I love you too!"
1114 words

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