Mari-"I love you"

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Y/n's POV
This is in the POV of a girl but you can make it a guy.

I've been dating my girlfriend, Mari for about a month now and I love her so much. Her purple hair, her goofy personality, her perfectness in every which way, but I'm too scared to say it. We are going to Olivia's annual New Years party tonight and I plan on saying it tonight.
Mari: Hey!
You: Hey Mari!
Mari: Are you excited for the party tonight!
You: Yes! I'm so ready my (f/o) looks great, and it'll match great with my shoes.
Mari went to her room to change. We don't live together but she invited me to come over and change. She came out and finished doing her hair and makeup. She looked amazing. Her purple hair curled perfectly framing her face. Her sparkly silver dress was form fitting, and matched her eye makeup.
You: Mari you look gorgeous!
I was almost speechless. She was so beautiful, and I was so out of her league. What if when I said I love you she doesn't say it back? What if she realizes that I'm so out of her league that she breaks up with me? Should I still say it?
I got changed wearing black. It looks the best with my body type. I don't wear makeup but Mari said I should try mascara so I borrowed hers. I looked good, but not as good as Mari. My outfit was a little tight and fit my body type well. I walked to where Mari was.
Mari: Hey you look amazing y/n
You: Not as good as you do babe
Mari blushed. She does that when I call her stuff like that.
Mari: Yeah right here I got this for you.
She took something out of her bag and it was a small black box.
It was a small pearl necklace/ pocket square. She put it on me.
Mari: There now you look perfect!
She grinned. Mari always looks so beautiful when she does that. I just wanted to tell her how much I love her now, but I want to wait. I'm still scared about it though.
You: Hey Mari?
Mari: Yeah?
You: Do you think I'm out of your league?
Mari: Why would you think that y/n
You: You're just so amazing. You are beautiful, funny, kind, fun to be around, and just perfect in general.
Mari: But so are you. You are sweet, caring, gorgeous, honest, and funny.
You: Really?
Mari: Yeah! That's why I love you y/n?
I turned completely red. I had no words I just leaned in and kissed her. After a little we broke apart and I said I love you back. We were now both red. I explained my plan for tonight to her, and Mari said she was scared too, until we had that talk. We went to the car after Mari did some final touch ups. We arrived, and danced, talked with friends, and counted down to midnight.
Everyone: 5...4...3...2...1!
Mari and I kissed! She was my first new years kiss, and we are now officially together for 2 months!!

536 words
Sorry this was a shorter story I've been having writers block lately. Feel free to comment suggestions and I hope you like this new writing style it is a lot easier for me! I'll see you next post!

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