The fight part 2

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It's been a week since I've talked to Shayne and I'm scared I decided to lie to Courtney. I know Shayne hasn't talked to anyone, so she doesn't know I know. I didn't cheat I swear, and especially not with Noah. He is a great guy don't get me wrong, but I love Shayne way to much to do that. I texted her.

Y/n: Hey court!
Courtney: Hey!
Y/n: I've been kinda bummed lately over the whole breakup thing he still won't tell me why he ended it.
Courtney: yeah I'm really sorry that must be horrible.

It made me sick not only lying to my boyfriend but lying directly to me? Disgusting, but I still played along.

Y/n: I was kinda hoping we could do something this weekend.
Courtney: OMG Yeah! You should sleep over at my place.
Y/n: Great idea sounds fun!
Courtney: ok come to my place at like 6:00 I'll make dinner.
Y/n: sounds perfect I'll bring some icecream!
Courtney: Can you find some wild and wreak less icecream?
Y/n: Of course

I finally turned off my phone. As much as I hated her right now I still really love being her friend, but I need to get to the bottom of this. I love Shayne and miss him so much. I got to her house and knocked. Whatever food she made smelled delicious! She knows I'm vegetarian and she used to be vegan so I'm excited to see what she has. She opened the door and took the bag of icecream out of my hand. I stepped in. "I made pizza if that's ok?" She said as I walked in. "That's perfect I love pizza!" I responded. She started to serve me a slice when she said "I'm still really sorry about you and Shayne." She sounded kinda shaky. "No it's ok, I just wish I knew why." I wanted to give her a chance to explain why she said that. We are and just chatted for a little bit, damn I wish she didn't do this she is one of my best friends. We chose to watch grease 2 her favorite movie when she stopped all of a sudden. "Y/N I need to tell you something." She started to tear up. "What court?" I knew what but wanted to her her side. She started bawling, "Y/N I'm so sorry, I didn't want to but I had to. I told Shayne that you cheated on him with Noah." "Why?!" I hesitantly responded. "Please don't get mad. I had to. Noah made me." "What?!" I shouted. "I know i was confused at first too. He came up with a lie that only Shayne will believe and knowing I'm your closest friend he wanted you to turn to him instead so he had me tell you." She cried.
"But why did you do it?" I questioned. "Because Noah knows I have a crush on damien, and he likes me to, so that's against the contract. If I didn't do it Noah would tell Ian and we both get fired." She started crying harder. "Can we go tell Shayne?" I asked feeling bad. "But I don't want to loose my job Y/N." "I know Courtney, maybe we can talk to Ian it's just a crush." "Do you think he will be ok with it?" I really don't know but I love Shayne and she knows it. "I hope! I'll call him and we can talk in person. Maybe we can have more ice cream?" I asked. "Baskin Robbins?" "Of course Court!" I responded. I talked to Ian for a little then I drove her to meet Ian. "Hey Ian." "What's up Y/N? You told me it was an emergency." "It is." Courtney said trying to hold back tears. We sat down and got Courtney some ice cream. "So Ian, we have a bit of a problem with Noah." I said. "Why?" Ian asked. "Court?" Ian was really concerned. "Umm... I had a crush on Damien and told Noah, and now he is blackmailing me to lie to Shayne and say that Y/N is cheating on him." She was trying so hard to not bawl letting a few tears fall. "Why would he do that?" Asked Ian. "Because Noah likes me." I said.

730 words
forgot to word count the last one but tell me if you like this and get ready for pt 3!

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