Noah- shayne's little sister

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A/N before I start the story I'm thinking about starting a Shayne x reader story so if you think I should comment! And also I wanna have some drama in this story cuz j think it will be fun so yeah! On to the story.

                 Y/N POV
It's my first day at smosh and my big brother Shayne got me a job at smosh as an editor. I'm so excited! I already know damien and Courtney, Shayne's closest work friends, and Ian my boss.
I arrive at the smoffice (that's what Shayne calls it.) and park. I see damien and say hi as he introduces me to the people he is talking to. They are both men with fun colored hair. One is probably around my age,(you are 22) and he has pinkish hair. The other is a little older with red/orange hair. "Oh hey!" Damien says once I walk up to him. "This is (y/n)! Shaynes sister." The two other men nod. "Hey! I'm David, but people call me Lazercorn." He says. Lazercorn, what a fun name. "Nice to meet you!" I respond. Now my focus is on the other man. He is kinda cute now that I get a good look at him. "Oh sorry, my name is Noah! Nice to meet you y/n." "Right back atcha!" I say. Who says that. I'm so stupid, act cool. "So how do y'all know each other?" Noah asks politely. He is really sweet. "Oh, Shayne hangs out with Damien a lot, and Shayne and I live together so I see him a lot. We have became friends over time!" I respond kinda blushing just thinking about how pretty Noah's eyes are. "I also know Courtney!" (In this story I'm gonna have Shayne and Courtney together because I love the shourtney ship!💕) "Well obviously, they've been dating like forever." Damien remarks. Is Damien blushing too? I don't know why but he looks a little pink. "Hey y/n, do you wanna meet the rest of the smosh squad?" I just realized that da- Lazercorn left for some reason. "I'd love that!" I respond. Was that weird? 'Love that' I sound like my mom. Weird, ok?
I followed Noah to the squad room. Gawd is he cute. I think I was staring the whole way there. Oops. I love his fashion sense it's very colorful!
We got there and first tho k Courtney jumped up to me and gave me a big hug. Shayne has been going over to Courtney's more often instead of vice versa, so I haven't seen her in a little while. Hopefully it's not 'cause of me. "Y/n! I haven't seen you in like forever." Court and I have gotten pretty close as Shayne had with her as well. So now we are pretty good friends. I'm happy she helped Shayne get me this job! "Liv-liv come meet y/n!" A smaller girl with long dark hair stood up. She was really pretty. I held my hand out to shake hers, but she just hugged me. I hugged back so it wouldn't be weird. "Hi, I'm y/n!" "Nice to meet you! I'm Olivia." She seemed really nice. Up behind us Noah brought over someone else. "Hey, I'm Keith!" I her and turn. "Oh hello!" I've heard about all of these people, but Shayne never described how cute Noah was. Ugh, I'm stupid of corse he wouldn't. Shayne walked in and notice I already knew everyone. "Oh I guess you don't need my help with names then." He was pretending to be offended. I stifled a giggle. "Indeed brother." I replied with a British accent. Everyone laughed. "I like her!" Noah stayed. I blushed feeling my face heat up.
                 Noah's POV
Was she blushing? I noticed y/n was a little red. Hopefully she didn't notice I was. She is really pretty, and funny.we sit down to film y/n in the back behind the cameras. I was trying so hard not to show how I felt on camera. It was a little embarrassing. She caught me looking at her and started to blush. We were filming a show with no name. It was Shayne, Mari, and I. The last fan question was a dare. We had to do it. "@Smoshfan6969 says: I dare you to go ask someone you think is cute in the office for their number." I read turning pale. We got set up and one by one each of us walked around the office. Shayne went first and obviously asked Courtney. Then it was Mari and she asked Wes. (Another ship! Wesari) Then it was my turn. The only problem was she was behind camera. I signal the crew to come back with me and y/n blushes as I walk back there. She turns to look behind her. Looking for who I'm headed to, but there was no one behind her. I tap on her shoulder. "Y/n can I have your number?" She looks super shocked. "Me?" She responds in disbelief. "Yeah, I thought you were really cute since I saw you walk in this morning." I could feel Shayne tense up from behind me, but I didn't mind. "Really? I thought the same since I saw they pink hair and goofy smile." "KISS!" I can hear Joven yell from the side. He for some reason was watching with some of the other sg cast, probably because Mari was with us. She shrugs but I can tell she was nervous. She took my phone and put in her number. When she handed it back she picked me on the cheek and walked off. I was beet red. The name she put in was y/n💕. Under info she put' 'call me, but beware Shayne IS my brother.

973 words
Hope you like this one it was a bit longer than normal. I went back to my normal writing form it makes the story smoother. My school year just ended so hopefully I can write more LEAVE SUGGESTIONS IN THE COMMENTS PLEASE!

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