Lazercorn/david- craming

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This chapter was suggested by @roanseal3 and will take place before David left smosh

Your POV
I woke up this morning to an average work day. I turned around to my husband David and snuggled up to him. Feeling his warmth was so calming. He sleepily wrapped his arms around me and leaned his head into mine. We were one big cuddly ball. I tilted my head up and said "It's time to get up babe," still raspy from just waking up. "Five more minutes, please." He whined raspy as well. He can be so childish sometimes. "Nope we gotta take Tyler to daycare in an hour." I sat up leaning my back against the headboard. David shortly sat up next to me and I leaned in his shoulder. Just as I got comfy I heard a faint knock at the door. I looked at David and we both hopped up. I opened the door to see a messy haired Tyler in his dinosaur pjs. David lifted him off the ground making him giggle. "Good morning mister," I said softly. "Morning mama!" He smiled in return. After his mother left when he was young he has referred to me as his mom. It's adorable and makes my heart melt. "Are you ready for breakfast buddy?" David chimed in. Tyler nodded fiercely implying he was very hungry. "What do you want to eat bud?" I asked. "Pancakes!" He uttered as fast as possible. "You got it! David you too?" He nodded and I made pancakes for all of us. I also cut apple slices for Tyler and gave David and I strawberries. I set the plates down giving Tyler some syrup and handing David the bottle. Once he was finished I got syrup for myself. "Thank you mommy!" Tyler mumbled with his mouth full. "Yes, thanks y/n," David agreed. "My pleasure boys."
We all ate and it was time for us to get dressed. I had Tyler's outfit picked out for him to get changed. After David and I got dressed.

Right when I finished David snaked his arms around me from behind, and lifted me off the ground, twirling me

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Right when I finished David snaked his arms around me from behind, and lifted me off the ground, twirling me. "David!" I giggled in shock. He set me down and kissed me on the cheek. "Love you," David whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine. "Love you too, baby," I kissed him on the cheek in return. We all headed to the car and David started it while I got Tyler in his car seat.we were all buckled and headed off to daycare.
— time skip —
We arrived at the office with coffee we picked up on the way. Mine was already practically gone, but David has hardly touched his. We stepped into the sg office and sat down. Mari entered with an announcement. "Ok everyone today we will have a lot of work to do. When need to film 3 videos and everyone needs to do some editing. We all nod and get ready for our first video. We start by bringing back maricraft. In the video was David, Wes, Mari, Damien, and I. We just started a new game ant it was fantasy themed. There were palaces, royalty, unicorns, and a ton of other magical things. I was crowned princess, but was already kind of worn out because they made me do a bunch of silly activities as my coronation. Afterwards we had a cell outs. Boze, Damien, and I were in it. We played super Mario run. Then we sat in a car blindfolded until we reached our destination. We had to run a huge obstacle course which was exhausting, but the minute we returned all of sg had to film a just dance video which made me even more stressed and exhausted. David and I ended up loosing so we had to dance to a lovey-dovey  song together. I wore a huge heavy hot suit and David had to wear a little dress. Once we finished dancing we filmed the outro. I was getting super stressed and over worked. I needed to stay in late. Since I was in all of the videos I had no time to edit along with Damien. "Hey y/n are you doing ok?" He asked concerned from his desk. "Yeah I'm good just a little stressed that's all. Can't wait to get home to see David and Tyler." Damien nodded and walked closer. "Same I miss my kitties! You almost done?" I nodded. "Yeah," I saved my video. "And, done!" I hopped up and grabbed my bags walking out of the office with Damien. "Oh crap," I stated. "What's up?" Damien asked. "I drove here this morning with David, but he left early to get Tyler home, I guess I'll call an Uber." I pulled out my phone. "Oh don't bother I'll take you!" Damien cheered. Ever since I started working here Damien and I have been good friends, so this wasn't unexpected. "Are you sure dames?" I questioned. "Of corse, my pleasure." He stepped to his car opening my door. "Well thank you," I happily said.
—time skip—
We finally arrived and I hopped out of the car walking over to Damien's window. He rolled it down. "Thank you again for going out of your way to drive me." He grinned. "Don't worry I understand how stressed you've been I don't want to put you through any trouble." I leaned in through his window and gave him a hug before he drove off. I walked up to the door sighing of relief that I was finally home. When I stepped inside I saw David on the couch with a sleeping Tyler on his lap. "Hey David, I'm home," I whispered loud enough for him to hear me. David looked up and smiled. "Hey I'm gonna put Tyler to bed then do you want to just lay down and watch a movie?" That's exactly what I wanted to do after a long stressful day of work so I nodded and went to change my clothes. I threw on one of David's big tee shirts and put on some long socks. When I stepped out I found David scrolling through Netflix and finding my favorite movie (f/m). "Yes I love this movie!" I yelled realizing Tyler is asleep and quieting down. I hopped down next to David as he lowered the volume. "How are you doing baby?" I sighed, "I've been super stressed today. Just looking forward to coming home and cuddling with you." I leaned in his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me. Feeling his warm embrace made me so sleepy. I yawned "How are you Davie?" He stifled a laugh. "Pretty good worked kinda hard but..." I drifted of to sleep in his arms before he could finish.
David's POV
"... my day was pretty good." I looked down to y/n and noticed she was fast asleep in my arms. She was so beautiful and peaceful. Her legs were balled up into her chest. Her head rested on my shoulder. I sat there for a moment with both my arms wrapped around her. I soon lifted her off the couch turning off the tv and carrying her to our bedroom. I pulled down the covers and Kaye's her down placing them back over her. She was sound asleep, so calm. I sat in bed next to her and felt her crawl up to me her head on my chest she laced her arm over my waist and drifted back to sleep I just cuddled back around her and fell asleep y/n in my arms.

(1272 words)
I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did and that it is ok because I just cranked it out and it's about 1:00 am.
Love ya💕 see you next chapter.

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