(Shayne) The Fight

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(Inspired by @smoshsgames shayne x reader story. I really liked it and wished it was longer so that's what I'm gonna do!)
                 (Y/N) POV
I got a text from my boyfriend Shayne.
S: Hey could you come home?
Y/N: yeah why?
S: We need to talk
Y/N: About?
He didn't respond after that. I was scared he wanted to break up after 3 1/2  years together. I told my boss that I needed to go to an appointment. She said l could leave if I make up for the lost time. I agreed grabbed my bag and went to my car. I finally got to our house and walked in, hanging up my keys and shutting the door. I hear Shayne crying as he turns to me. His eyes were red and puffy, and I could tell he had been crying for a while. "Why y/n?" He yelled. "Why what? Are you ok babe?" I responded in shock. "Why are you cheating on me?!" He yelled even louder. "What are you talking about?" I responded calmly. "You know what I'm talking about, don't act stupid y/n!" He continued to yell. " No Shayne, I really don't. Please just talk to me." He started to cry even harder. I leaned in trying to wipe his tears and give him a kiss to calm him, but he shoved me aside. " Courtney told me you were with Noah." "I most likely was, we are friends. Where are you going with this?" I responded with some anger in my voice. "Oh no no no. That's the thing she saw you kissing, and as she lest she heard you taking to him. Not like you were friends. Then she headed you moan and shut the door to leave." He said and grabbed a pillow off the couch, throwing on the ground angrily. "WHAT?" I responded clearly confused. "Don't act so innocent y/n." "I can't believe this." I mumbled. "Can't believe what? That I finally found out. How long has this been going on. Y/n Answer me!" "No I can't believe Courtney my friend, or at least who I thought was my friend, would lie to you like that!" "Oh no y/n. Stop putting on this act." "What act Shayne?!" I shouted. "Why do you trust her over me?" I politely questioned. "Wow y/n. She has been my friend for 4 years, why would she lie to me like that?" "I've been you girl friend for almost 4 years why would I treat you like that?" I pleaded.

(The rest will be our soon, Ive been so excited for this one I love the drama! I've been crammed with finals and haven't had a ton of time to write by summers almost here so more is to come. Comment who you want next and thanks for reading!)

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