Damien- Someone you loved

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 Ive been obsessed with the song someone you loved by Lewis Capaldi for a while now and have read some really good song chapters so I decided to give it a go. (I have zero rights to this song)I hope you enjoy!

Damien's POV

I just left the smosh office early to suprise my girlfriend Vanessa (just work with me here). No reason to it I just wanted to. We shared my apartment because it was larger then her old one. I hopped into my car excited to see her when I received a message.

Y- you D- Damien

Y- Hey Dames, why did you leave early?

   Of corse y/n would be the first one to notice I was gone. We have been best friends forever. We met during my time on So Random. She worked behind the scenes. When the show ended we still stayed good friends, and a little while after Shayne got me a job at smash I got her a job as an editor/writer (whichever you prefer or both).

D- I decided to surprise Nessa today

Y- Aww! well you go get her lover boy

D- Thx bye n/n

Y- Bye dames

I put away my phone and started the car. The drive is only 15 mins but with L.A traffic it would be around 25 so I got going.

Your POV

I secretly was sad when Damien took off work to spend time with Vanessa. She didn't really like me. I think she was jealous of how close Damien and I are. I never really liked her either. I always got jealous when they were together and Damien's arms were wrapped around her, or when she got jealous and kissed him. Oh, how many times I just wanted to walk up to him and kiss him. His big beautiful brown eyes, and soft lips. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Mari a good friend of mine.

"Y/n you ok? You've been staring at you off phone screen for like 10 mins." she questioned concerned. "oh yeah I'm good just daydreaming" about Damien, wait stop it. "Is there anything you wanna maybe talk about?" Mari is such a good friend. I nodded and grabbed her hand dragging her out the offices back doors to a small wooden bench looking on a playground across the street. Little kids playing, and smiling makes me happy. "Wait y/n isn't this where you go to share stuff with Damien?" she asked politely. "Yeah but this one think I can't tell him yet," I say quietly. I turned on my phone and showed her the text conversation that I had with Damien. "Why did you show me this?" I sigh, her not understanding. "I'm jealous, I think I love Damien," she just nods and gives me a hug. "but he has a girlfriend and I don't want to do anything because he probably doesn't feel the same, and Vanessa hates me already. "I think your right about keeping quiet for know, but you never know," I all of a sudden started feeling all of these new emotions. I never thought about if he even liked me. What if he does? I started to breathe faster, heart racing. I needed time to think about this. I wouldn't be able to think strait while working so I told Ian I had horrible migraines and he let me leave early. I forgot Damien drove me to work this morning so I ubered home. I was probably better off not driving anyways. 

Damien's POV

I finally got home and saw another car in our parking lot and just thought it was one of Nessa's  friends and disregarded it. I heard lot music and assumed she was dancing around the icing room again, how adorable. When I unlocked the door Vanessa was huffing on the couch I could only see the back of her head and assumed she was tired from dancing so I slowly closes the door to surprise her. As I quietly walked closer I saw her lay down next to a man on our couch. I stepped hard on a floorboard and she jumped up. "D-D-Damien I-I uhh," she was as pale like she just saw a ghost. "What the hell Vanessa!" the man jumped up putting on his shirt grabbing his things and ran for the door. On the way out I tripped him. He fell flat on his face, but got back up and ran. The fall not phasing him. "Damien, please let me explain," she pleaded. "Explain what Vanessa!? Explain why you were sleeping with some one else? Why you decided to cheat on me when I've beed nothing but good to you? Explain why you were all cuddled up with another man?" I finished now crying hard. She looked dumbfounded. There was nothing for her to explain because just explained it all. What I said was exactly what just happened and I never want to see her again. Her mouth opened trying to say something. Just as I was about to speak when I heard pawing at the bathroom door. Then loud meows. I ran to the bathroom ignoring anything Vanessa was saying, unable to hear her over my poor locked up kitties. I open the door and find the two crying felines that run up to me and rub against my legs. They were locked in my bathroom for who knows how long, without food or water. That really ticked me off. I stormed back into the living room where Vanessa was still frozen. "Vanessa I need some time to go out alone. I don't want to here from you anymore, and you need to get all of your stuff out of my house. If there is anything left when I get back it going t donation. Now start packing."  I picked up my two poor kitties knowing that they shouldn't be left with such a monster and put them in my car as I sat in the drivers seat. As I sat in my car dialing Shayne's number Vanessa comes running outside and tried to open my locked car door. she then starts banging on my window. Shayne finally picks up he phone.

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