Shartney- not just friends

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A/n I wanted to try something new so I decided I was gonna do a ship and my friend requested shartney/ shourtney, so imma do that for this chapter. Hope you enjoy! Also if I have some tiny errors it's because I living with 4 kittens cuddling on me, and running around in my bedroom writing this at 11:00 at night or later so don't kill me please! Onto the story.

Courtney's POV
   Today was just a normal day at Smosh. We were filming every kiss ever (All I could think of don't get mad). I had 3 kiss scenes with Shayne, 1 with Olivia, and 1 with Noah. I didn't mind Olivia or Noah, but I was nervous about Shayne. I have kissed him on camera before, but recently I've bee feeling different about him. The thought confused me. Did I love my best friend? No I couldn't, right? I started with Olivia. The set was our school hallway set up, by the lockers. It was totally mutual. Neither of us cared because we have to do it all the time. It only took one take until Olivia was done for the day. She finished all of her scenes. I had to make out with Noah next. We were best friends so I didn't really care. We were in a 'car' and did the scene. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Shayne. He was kinda red. Not like blush red, but angry red. No jealousy red. Was he jealous that I was kissing Noah for the scene? No way he totally doesn't like me, but do I like him. Throughout that scene that's the only thing I could think of. We finished after 3 takes because Noah couldn't stop laughing half way through. When we were done I went or a different set with Shayne. We were supposed to be at a party, and some of Smosh games were filling in as high school kids at the party. Everyone but Wes, he was way to big to be a high schooler, but he wanted to be in it so he was a parent, how fitting. I was on a counter and Shayne was standing. Shayne was smirking his face close to mine and I started to heat up. Maybe this would clarify if I liked him or not. Action was yelled from behind the camera and I started making out with Shayne for the video. I had my hands wrapped around his neck and his were around my waist. I liked it. I liked him. As we continued he pulled me closer and wrapped my legs around him, deepening the kiss. I started to hold his head and pulled him closer to me. It was passionate, and I loved it. Someone else yelled cut. We parted which left me craving more. I had 2 more scenes with him then we were done.
Shayne's POV
(I'm gonna go back in time to when Noah and Courtney kissed.)
Courtney was so beautiful today. As they started I felt my face heat up. Was I jealous? I was fine with her and Olivia. Why not Noah. It's our job that's what we have to do. Did I like Courtney? No that wasn't a question. I've always deep down loved Courtney. I knew I would like her since the day we auditioned for Smosh together. When she came storming in panicking I was there to help her. She felt safe with me. She always has. I feel safe with her too. What I'd give to see her face when I wake up. Be with her when I go to bed. She would never feel the same, would she? It finally got to our scene and she was sitting in front of me on a counter. We were eye level with each other. When they called action she leaned in first. I was stiff, but then relaxed. It felt natural, like instinct. It just felt meant to be. We leaned in closer to each other and every one else felt like they disappeared. It was just Courtney and I. It was quiet. The only thing I could hear was my own thoughts. I didn't want it to end. She pulled me in closer. That's when I realized she felt the same. This was my like with Noah. With me it was real. It was love. I loved Courtney Miller. We filmed the rest of our scenes and they were the same. Full of love and passion. Full of Courtney. (Was that line too cheesy?) I wanted to talk about it, but what if she rejected me? What if it ruined our friendship? "Well, I'm glad we are done." Courtney huffed. "Not me." I said quietly. "What was that?" She questioned looking at me with her beautiful green eyes. "Oh, uhh.. me too!" I hated lying to her. "I'm starving." She exclaimed. "I'll take you to in-n-out!" I asked. Her eyes lit up. "You know just how to make me happy Shayne Topp! That's why we are best friends!" friends, right. I hated that word. She seemed kinda weird after that too. We hopped in my car and got our food. Since we had nothing else to do I offered to go back to my place and play some games.
— time skip —
   "HAA! I WIN AGAIN!" I shouted. That was the 4th time I beat her in Mario kart. She was toad, and I was shy guy. "Man! I for sure thought I was gonna win that time." She said kinda sad. "You thought wrong!" I shouted in reply! I thought now would be a good time to tell her but I was scared, and if she ended up hating me, or feeling uncomfortable she couldn't drive home. I drove her here. I could call her an Uber, but she would probably want alone time. I could give her my car then Uber to her house and get my keys. No I'm over thinking this. "Shayne? Shayyyyyyne! Hello?" She was shouting, but I zoned off. "Sorry, I was just thinking about how I'm gonna beat you next round!" I stated. She huffed in response. "Can we talk?" We said in unison. "You first." Courtney stated. We both stood up. I walked her to my room. We were alone, but I still wanted to go there. "So I wanted to tell you this, and I have thought about it for a while, but held off. I really wanted you to know, but I got scared. I really love being your friend, and I don't wanna ruin that, but I need to tell you. I just-" I was rambling, but she cut me off placing her lips on mine. I was frozen, but quickly went along. I held her waist as she held my neck I back onto my bed as she sat on topp of me (that's a pun😄). Each of her legs on the outside of mine. She leaned in closer kissing more passionately. I pulled her in deepening the kiss. We pulled away for air. "I love you Shayne Topp." She stated. "I love you Courtney Miller."
(1200 Words)
Woah another story. Yes indeed my friends. I don't have a upload schedule because sometime I make more then one a day and other times it's a dry spell but I hope you like how many I've done recently!"

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