Ian- Hurricanes

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So before I start this one is a little late because where I live there is a huge hurricane and its super distracting, as well as school, but I promise i'll be more on top of this. Also my giveaway winner chapter are gonna start coming out soon, so i'm very excited about that. Now on to the story.

Your POV:

Its just a normal day and I get to the office earlier then everyone per usual. The only other person in the building is Ian. Not even the security is here yet. Welp whatever. I unlock the door locking it back behind me, and head upstairs. It instantly starts pouring rain (I know for some people that will sound super real and fake, but when you live in Texas weather is always bipolar like that). It was horrible and super hard rain. My phone started buzzing really loud. It was Courtney. I answered.

C: Courtney Y:You

Y: Hey court whats up? C: Yeah y/n its been raining pretty hard over here for a little while. I don't think anyone can make it to work. Y:Oh ok. I'm kinda already here with Ian, but I'll let him know. C: Ok. I don't suggest you leave the office though, so have fun! Y: Heh, yeah. Thanks. Stay safe. C: You too! Bye. Y: Bye!

So now I'm stuck alone in an office with my boss. Fun. At least the powers still on. I should probably go talk to Ian.

I walk up to Ian's office and see him hang up the phone. I knock on the door. "So im assuming you're already in the loop with all this stuff," I remark. "Yeah. That was Shayne on the phone he told me everything. I guess its just us until it clears up." I remembered the weather report I checked on my walk to his office. "I read the weather report I don't think it's going to clear up for a couple more hours." Ian sighed. "Welp, we should try to make the most of it while we still have power." I nod my head in agreement and we head to the lounge room and turn on the TV. "What do you want to watch." I ask as I turn on Netflix. "Something scary!" He exclaimed. "But you know I get scared so easily." I rolled my eyes. "That maybe the reason I suggested it." I groaned. (Pretend it is on Netflix.) "let's watch IT!" He continued disregarding I don't like them. "And.. mine," he snatched the remote from me to put the movie on. "HEY!" I shouted! He stood up on his tippy toes holding the remote in the air while putting the movie on. I jumped up trying to reach it but I couldn't. He finally got the movie on, and I gave up. We sat down in the couch and my heart rate must have been at 300bpm 'cause I felt like I was dying. I jump up out of fear and he grabs my hand to calm me down. I just look up to him and he smiles. "Thanks, sorry I'm a little jumpy," he nods. "We can change it if you really want to," he states politely. As soon as he finished his sentence all the power went out with a huge crack of thunder. I jumped even higher than I did while watching the movie. Now not only was it pouring, but now we have no power. "Well isn't that great," I complained. "Let's just go to the basement and turn the power back on." He explained. "Let's do it!" I cheered. We headed downstairs only to notice the basement started to flood. "Hey, Ian? Maybe we shouldn't turn the power back on." He nodded in agreement. "Let's wait for the water to go down." We then headed back to the main room. "You know what's fun in the dark?" Ian looked confused. "Hide-and-seek!" He still looked very questionable. "As in let's play!" He finally snapped out of it. "Sounds fun! I'll count," he stated. I ran off and heard him start to count. I ran into his office and hid under his desk. I was all the way on the other side of the floor, so I took his laptop with me just in case I got bored. I opened it, and had to find the password. I looked up to think and saw his password on a bright yellow sticky note under his desk. So dumb, but it's kinda adorable. I put in the password and it works. 'What should I do first,' I thought to myself. I saw an email pop up and decided to read it. It was from some random website. I thought there might be something juicy in his drafts, so I opened it, and indeed there was. There were 13 drafts to the same person, but who? I looked closer and they were to ME? Why would he have 13 drafts to me? I read the first one, then the second, then the third, and kept going until I read them all. Each and everyone talking about the 'boss and co worker rules,' and the fact that he likes me.' Well, all except one. One was just an accident. But the other 12. How am I supposed to feel about this? What if he sent one of these through? How would I respond? Wait. I would say yes! I like Ian. He's a great guy. Yeah he's my boss, but he's also my friend, and I love him to death. I have a plan.

Ian's POV:
"23...24...25! Ready or not here I come!" I yell as I head off. I start looking in cabinets, closets, under desks, chairs, tables, and anywhere a human could fit.

It's been about 10 mins by now and I still can't find her. I mean I haven't even covered half the building yet. All of a sudden I head a high pitched squeak, like when you cover a microphone. I walk towards it and it's starts to play music. I get closer until i see y/n. "I don't know how to put this into words but I am going to try the best I can," she states while reading off of something. "It is still unimaginable to this day that I could ever meet a person like you." Her words started to grow familiar, but what was it. You are the most amazing person I know, and I love you so much for it." Then I realized, this is what I wrote to her. " there is no way to describe your perfection and I would fail if I ever tried," I continued what she was reading. "You are an enchanting goddess, and I am a mère pesant, but our roles in life shouldn't define our relationships. Even if I am your boss that doesn't matter to me. Y/n I could go on for months just describing why I want to be with you. Even longer about how amazing you are. Would you help out just a mère pesant like me in this long spiral of love, and go on a date with me?" At that point she was tearing up. I walked closer and wrapped my arms around her. "What do you say?" I asked. She looked up to me gazing into my eyes, and grew closer to me. Soon enough out lips were touching and we moved in sync. As I pulled away she could only let out one word. "Yes," she said. I blew up on the inside. SHE SAID YES!

The end thanks for being patient with me as I worked out some things at home. I'm so happy for the amount of reads we have reached and stay tuned for my next upload, giveaway winner #1!!

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