2. Bride By Choice

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↠❛bride by choice❜↞

"Huh?" I asked  in confusion, not really getting what he said.

"I'll say it again for you. I, Jeon Jungkook, give you the permission to be my wife," Jungkook smiled oh-so-victoriously.

Hoseok was gaping harder than ever, representing my inner self, but I didn't dare show it to them from the outside.

With my heels clicking against the floor, I strided towards his bulky figure. I pressed my index finger on his chest and blurted out sassily, "Nuh-uh, sir. Not today."

"Then any other day?" He smirked and started playing with my hair, leaving Hoseok pale.

"Uh, I am going to wait outside," Hoseok practically ran, but it was okay as I knew that he's that kind of person who would secretly overhear people's conversations.

"Never. Have some shame, will you? You dumped me for that Yunhee girl and now you expect me to marry you after you dump her on your wedding day? Impossible!" I spat out, on my tiptoes becuase he was that tall for me.

Jungkook took a step towards me, making me stumble and take a step backwards. It continued until my back crashed into the counter.

Jungkook wrapped his hands around my waist and sat me down on top of the counter, as if I were some little girl.

"Please. Give it a thought. It's just a contract marriage. I'll finalise the contract within a few days. Only until I inherit the company fully," Jungkook pleaded.

Something in me wanted to give him a chance and help him. No matter how bad of a jerk he was, Jeon Jungkook wasn't the leading businessmen for nothing. He's a no-nonsense person and a man of his words. I've never seen him go back on his words. He knew how to put price tags on everything and thus, was what he's today.

But, that still doesn't give him the right to put a price tag on me!

"You're enjoying it aren't you?" I questioned him as I cluld spot a very faint smile playing on his lips. Kissable lips. No no no, you stupid bitch. Get ahold of yourself, Y/N!

Just then, Hoseok rushed in.

"Mr. Jeon could you please spare us a minute? She'll reconsider it," Hoseok said and Jungkook's face lit up atthe former's words.

"Sure, I'll be outside!"

"What was all that for?" I scoffed at Hoseok, "I know that you're my manager, but, this is my life choice to make!"

"Do you have any other way to dismiss the rumours of you sleeping with Park Jimin, who's a married man?"

"You know well that it's not true!" I stamped my foot on the ground stubbornly.

"But, it's the only way out. His wife fabricated evidence so that you would get in trouble as she has bad blood with you and that ruthless woman doesn't care about her husband a tiny bit. Listen to me, Y/N. It's the best that you marry Jungkook. It would be a good PR stunt too and your popularity would be soaring high. With being married to Jeon Jungkook, your former boyfriend, the rumours would automatically be dismissed. And no one would even know as only his close relatives and friends saw the initial bride's face. They won't dare reveal such a confidential piece of information," Hoseok finally finished his lecture, his tone sounding like he was almost begging me to do it.

"Jungkook? Come back in."

Jungkook stepped in and looked at me with a hopeful face and doe eyes, waiting for a positive answer.

"Where is my wedding gown? It better be of Versace. I don't want other people to think that I, a Versace ambassador, is endorsing some other brand."


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How you like that? Pun intended. Anyways, look forward to the next update. Official chapters 1 & 2 up finally up today.

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