25. The Conspirator

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↠❛the conspirator❜↞

"Yes, we look forward to our collaboration. See you later at the meeting today," I greeted our investor and hung up afterwards asking my secretary for my coffee.

"Come in," I muttered, absentmindedly while staring at the tall scyscrapers.

"Here's your coffee, sir," her voice sounded shaky and that made me divert my gaze onto her now.

"What is it?"

"Oh sir, there are rumours going around about Miss Y/N," she said and passed me the tablet that was in her hands.

I took a look at it and knew exactly what I had to do, despite the anger fuming inside of me. I reached for my phone and called the investor.

"I am afraid that I can't be having the meeting today, Mr. Jang."


I headed straight to our apartment, hoping that Y/N hadn’t stepped out, oblivious to the malicious rumours going around. Whoever did this, had to pay for messing with my wife.

"Y/N?" I called out as I knocked on the bedroom door.

Not having heard a sound in 30 seconds, I checked the watch on my wrist again and then, barged in.

The bed was made and the room was neat and tidy. However, the person I was searching for, was nowhere to be seen.

I checked the washroom, and no, not even there.

I fished my phone out of my pockets and dialed her number as her name popped up on my screen. Y/N. Where are you?

No, Jungkook, you have to think straight. Think of someone who could have done this.

Kang Yunhee. That was the only name that came to my mind and seemed most likely to be possible. I was trying so hard to not make my mind go blank at the disaster that she had created.

Only one person could know where Y/N was. Jung Biryeom.

(3rd person)

"Go away!" Hoseok cried out as the paparazzis pushed him, trying to hear his say on the matter, being Y/N's manager.

He regretted ever even approving of Jungkook as the latter was nothing but just useless to him now. Why? It's because Hoseok thought that after getting married to Jungkook, Y/N would easily be free from the Park Jimin rumours, but seemed like it wasn’t the case.

Hoseok knew better than anyone else that Y/N would never do such a thing like abortion even though she wasn’t yet ready to carry a child. He had known her like family and years now to understand her perfectly and by each passing second, his anger seemed to take over himself, hearing such words about his sister-like best friend.

"Get the hell out of my house! Y/N would never do such a thing. I will prove it to you! Also, I will sue you for violation of people's privacy!"


"What the hell? Jungkook would never do something like that. He loves kids! Also, I am not pregnant. Hell, I don't even know Park Jimin!" Y/N felt exhausted. She never expected stardom to come with this.

Biryeom's eyes softened at that, "I know that you don't. We will figure it out together," he held her hands.

Y/N met his eyes one more time before pushing his hand away, "I need to go find Jungkook."

Biryeom chuckled sadly as he watched the woman he liked, run away to find her husband.

Of course, he thought, she does love Jeon Jungkook.


In this kind of situation, where would you expect Jungkook to be? In the police station, right.


He was in JBR Entertainment's office, talking to the Chairman.

"What movies in Y/N signed to, now?"

"Oh, it's a new movie called Husband In Law. Sadly, the co-star doesn’t want to do it with Y/N anymore because of the recent drama," the chairman facepalmed.

"Cool," Jungkook smiled, "Cast me then."


"Did you do what I had told you to?" Jungkook spoke on the phone.

"Yes boss, we found the IP address of the person who did it."

"Who is it then?" Jungkook asked, even though he was sure that it was Kang Yunhee.

However, for the first time in all these years, his gut instincts were wrong. The person wasn’t Yunhee.

"Kim Gook In, the CEO of Miss Y/N's previous agency."

I updated today babesss. Finally, I am following the new uodate schedule that is TWICE A WEEK.

There are no specific days yet as I update any two days when I am free and don't have much homework compared to the other days.

Thank you for reading, dolphins!

Love, Alfisha💫.

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