26. Not A Scam

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↠❛not a scam
(3rd person)

"Jungkook, let's not do this, please? It will make the things worse," Y/N tugged at Jungkook's sleeve as he made his way to Kim Gook In's office. His eyes were ice cold with no emotions whatsoever in them.

"Y/N, let go," as soon as his eyes met his wife's, they softened and emotions of loving and caring were in them.

Gulping, Y/N let go of his sleeve, quietly walking to the bastard CEO's office, looking down. Jungkook stopped again at that instant. He turned to face Y/N again and brought his index finger to her chin.

"Hold your chin up. You did nothing wrong," he placed a peck on her forehead, catching her off guard to which she just nodded.

Within a matter of a few seconds, they were standing outside his office. Jungkook was about to barge in but then, he heard a voice from the other side of the door.

"Welcome, Jeon Jungkook. Come in, I was waiting for you."

Jungkook raised his eyebrows at that before stepping inside, sending a malicious glare toward the older man.

"Did you really think that I will let it pass after you assaulted me? Not so easy, Jeon. I swear that I will surely ruin you!" The man laughed hysterically, making our protagonist's blood boil even more.

Well, Jungkook's temper couldn't be trusted and with that being said, we all could see a flying kick landing on Gook In's chest, knocking out a tooth.

"Bastard," Jungkook spat out on his face, grabbing his collar, "Arrange a press conference immediately if you don't want to be on spot."

He threw a punch at him and then another and lastly, the final punch.

"O-okay," Gook In said weakly, blood dripping down his nose.

Trust me, if anyone faced Jungkook and his wrath then, I warn you, they could be dead.

"Stop. You don't have to become a criminal for this slimy motherfucker," Y/N said, placing her hand on Jungkook's shoulder and giving it a light squeeze afterwards.

Just then, a knock could be heard on the door, enlightening them of the presence of someone else.

Jungkook let go of Gook In's collar and the fixed the wrinkles before leaning in to whisper in his ears, "Have dignity, Mr. Kim."

"Come in," Gook In said, his voice still shaky.

From the door, came in someone who was the least expected. Park Jimin.

"I was thinking of keeping quite about the whole issue until the pregnancy rumour came up. I had to handle it," these were his words exactly when he stepped in.

After getting a questionable look from Gook In, Jimin just smiled that made his eyes form the shape of a crescent moon.

"Let's skip the greetings. This isn't a happy meeting," Jimin paused to take a better look at Gook In's face, "Seems like the issue was dealt by none other than...Jeon Jungkook."

"How did you know that it was Gook In?" Jungkook asked protectively, hiding Y/N behind him as if she were a kid and Jimin was a wild animal.

Jimin let out a hearty laugh at the cute yet protective action that Jungkook had just did.

"My doubts are cleared. From the look of it, it seems like you both actually do love each other," Jimin smirked watching a light pink hue appearing on the couple's faces.

"And to answer your question, I have similar power to find the culprit," Jimim said as he walked over to Gook In and grabbed his jaw harshly.

"I divorved my wife. Too bad that Y/N is married, or else, I would've made the rumours true," Jimin joked, but Jungkook took it seriously.

"Don't you even dare!" Jungkook scowled, making Y/N feel a lot of things and Jimin laugh again.


"CEO Gook In charged for spreading false rumours. Both Park Jimin and Ji Y/N deny the rumours."

Y/N sighed out of relief after hearing these word. Gosh, she been anticipating for so long to hear these.

Jungkook knew that he had to mark his territory. And he was glad that he made Jimin aware of that. But, there was still something left for him to do.

"I will be back in a bit," Jungkook kissed Y/N's forehead before heading out.


"My dear Jungkook! I hope that you have taken the right decision, my son. Here have this tea. I got it during my visit to China."

Currently, the father and son were sitting face to face, across each other.

Jungkook had an unreadable expression plastered on his face, which even made his dad uncomfortable.

"Thank you, but I will have to refuse it. Let's get directly to the topic," Jungkook finally smiled at him.

"What's there to say? Of course, I have the divorce papers ready," Mr. Jeon chuckled, taking a sip from his porcelain tea cup.

"I guess you're mistaken, dad."

"What?" Mr. Jeon questioned, obviously confused.

"I chose Y/N. I am not divorcing her."

***Woof woof woof bark bark bark grrr grrr

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Woof woof woof bark bark bark grrr grrr


yes, i am done with going crazy over my bias. i am so happy that hoseok is finally getting appreciated. THE OTHER MEMBERS SNATCHED MY WIG OH MY GOD TAEHYUNG'S MULLET IS REAL.

so, this update was a bit late as my grandmother passed away a few days ago. i am trying to go back to my usual self and it is very hard. i remember that the first time i smiled after that was because of strawverymilktae. amani, you're an angel, bae.

however, i dont wanna be a bad author who can never keep promises. thus, i will continue on updating even if it is late. thank you for reading!

love, alfisha💫

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