5. Crystal Fury

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↠❛crystal fury

What was this woman thinking? How could she barge into a grown man's room? What if I were totally naked? Damn, I couldn't even imagine the scenario. Literal cringe.

As if things weren't already enough awkward, Y/N had to make it worse. From what I assumed, she turned around in embarrassment, but ended up making a bigger mistake.

Her dress slid down her body, leaving her with nothing but her underwear.

"Y-Y/N, you...are naked."

I slapped my mouth, realising that I just fucked up big time.

"Err," I scratched the nape of my neck, "did you possibly try to flash me intentionally?"

"What?" She turned about fuming with embarrassment and anger but I tur ed the other way too and screamed.

Then she screamed too.

"What the fuck are you doing? Don't turn around!" I covered my eyes and screamed in horror.

"Ah!" She shrieked, "Okay!"

Luckily, when I opened my eyes a few seconds later, I sae her gone when I turned around. I went to my bed and grabbed my hoodie that I was initially supposed to change into.

I opened the door and threw it on her as she yelled. I tried my best not to look directly at her, "Take this."

And with that, I shut the door on her face. I sighed out of relief and placed my hand on my now hot cheeks.

It was the first day, why did it have to be so awkward!

|next morning|

The day started off as a regular one. I stretched and frowned to myself, knowing that it was going to be a tough day today. Maybe I could ask Y/N to cook for me today for the first time. According to my background check on her and by watching her shows, she could cook delicious food. Or, that could just be an exaggeration.

But exactly then, the memories of last night flooded my brain and I flinched.

"Why?" I yelled, burying my face into the pillow.

After a few seconds, my door almost flew open and there stood Y/N, a frying pan in her hand, my hoodie dangling loosely from her body.

"Where's the thief?" She looked around hysterically, her guard put up.

I almost burst out laughing, but bit my lip to prevent it. This tiny girl thinks that she could beat up a thief? I laughed at that.

"Why are you laughing?" She squinted her eyes at me.

"Becuase," I ruffled her hair, "You're cute."

Y/N bobbed her head, confused by what I was saying. I cleared my throat and stopped smiling, realising that I had acted too friendly with her now.

"Hoseok texted me, he'll be bringing your necessities here today," I changed the topic, saving myself.

"Oh okay," she muttered under her breath.


I gaped at the sight in front of me. When she said necessities, she meant this?

There was just too much stuff. 5 suitcases and three bags.

"Are you sure you need all these?" I asked her, watching even a person like Hoseok's with a built figure struggling to carry them inside the mansion.

"Yes, why?"

I stared at it in awe for a few more second before shaking my head and saying, "Nah, this won't do. I'll buy you the stuff you need, you don't need to bring in everything."

"For your information, I'm the highest paid actress in South Korea." She announced arrogantly.

Hoseok scoffed before muttering under his breathe, "Not for too long."

I assumed that he was talking about her scandal.

"Why do you need that ugly Teddy bear? Throw it out and get a new one," I turned on my heel, making my way back to my room.


I turned around, amused.

"Ji Y/N, don't tell me that you sleep with a Teddy bear. How immature," I retorted.

"Says the one who sleeps naked."


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I wrote this chapter when it was raining so yes, hello inspiration. It'd mean a lot if you left a vote and feedback.

Another update coming up today!

Stay safe, love you, dolphins!

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