3. His, But Also Not His

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↠❛his, but also not his❜↞

"Uh?" Jungkook questioned and it seemed like his pea-sized brain wasn't still able to process what I just said.

In response, I rolled my eyes anddragged him out of the washroom, using his necktie like leash. Two women were just entering the washroom when we were exiting, making them flinch seeing too males in a women's washroom.

"Ji Y/N? What are you doing?" Jungkook snatched the control of his necktie from my hands and fixed it, looking pissed.

"Is it what I see? Is Jungkook getting angry at me? Should I not marry him then?" I teased him, hoping for an amusing reaction from him.

Jungkook then diverted his gaze from his necktie to my eyes now and I knew that this gaze wasn't good for me. With a swift movement, he pushed my body against the wall and then slammed his hands on the wall, close to my face, making me flinch and close my eyes at the sudden action.

"This is just the start, so don't make me angry without any good reason. You're supposed to know better than anyone, Y/N," he whispered, dangerously close to my neck, his hot breath hitting my skin and making me feel something.

I can't get swayed by this man.

Just then, his phone rang. He straightened his back and fished out his phone from his pocket, his eyes not leaving mine and continuing the eye contact.

"Yes, mom. I'm on my way," Jungkook said.

As far as I could remember, he was a total mommy's boy. That is very unlike a playboy like him, but that's how it made him different. I never even met his dad in person though. But, based on all the news and rumours, he's not someone you would like to discuss about your boyfriend over a cup of tea with.


I stared at myself in the mirror, adoring my wedding gown. It was the most beautiful gown ever. I never even thought of this marriage to happen, but as they say, life is full of unexpected turns and surprises. Even though this was a deal, I was also being benefitted. I would get back my clean reputation as soon as I get married. It has to happen.

I had always expected for my friends to be with me at my wedding as I was an orphan. But, even my best friend ended up betraying me out of jealousy. She was the only one whom I had ever considered my family.

While I was lost in my thoughts, I couldn't even hear the door being opened and then closed, followed by the man standing in front of me.

To be specific, my man.

Jungkook smiled at me sweetly and sincerely for the first time forever. He crouched down and lifted up my veil, getting a clear look of my face.

"Thank you for helping me. I'll give you whatever you want in the contract. Even this," he said sassily, then motioned to his pants before smirking.

I take back my words. The jerk was back and had replaced the sweet boy who was in front of me in the matter of a few seconds only.

He offered his hand to be as I stood up, gulping. We walked towards the altar, mixed reactions emitting from the crowd. Thank God that no paparazzi was here.

I grasped onto his hand even tighter now and Jungkook didn't even bother to look at me at continued on walking there.

He got onto the stage first and then waited for me to go up too. I was wearing such a heavy gown and still no help.

Such a helpful person you are, Jeon Jungkook. I blew the piece of hair away from my face in annoyance.

We exchanged the vows and then, it was finally time for the kiss.

Fuck, it was actually happening. Reality hit me like a truck and I almost cried kut becuase of the embarrassnent that I was having to face.

"Let's make it quick," he whispered and leaned in, crashing his lips on mine.

"Let's make it quick," he whispered and leaned in, crashing his lips on mine

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Thanks for all the love and support on this book! I'll most certainly be updating this book everyday, whether it be 2 chapters or 1 chapter. I like this book as it is kinda easy to write hehe.

I appreciate every single one of you and you comments. The comments and getting to communicate with y'all makes my day!

Another update coming today!

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