10. Disapproval of Both Sides

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↠❛disapproval of both sides❜↞

"What are you doing?" I asked Jungkook, but his eyes were still fixated on the stranger and my words didn't seem to affect him at all.

"I asked you something," my blood was boiling now.

Then, my eyes travelled back to that guy who just lightly chuckled before taking his hand back.

"I guess I'd be seeing you around, Y/N," the guy spoke to me before mimicking a salute and then walking away.

That hand gesture, that salute. He's the sanitary pads guy!

I was about to walk to him when Jungkook stopped me.

"Since we're married, you better not stir up any problems or runours. You'll get the documents tomorrow," he said before handing me my room keys and walking away with his own luggage, leaving me behind.


I shifted on my position on my bed, bored to death and hunger eating me up. Come to think of it, I didn't know about any restaurants in this neighbourhood. I wanted to try out street food too, but, judging from everything happening as soon as we landed, it seemed almost impossible. I let out a sigh.

"I could go to the swimming pool," a big smile came up on my face, enhancing my dimples.

I couldn't swim, but, that wasn't stopping me from going there and sitting by the pool.

Putting on my shorts, I walked downstairs to the pool. I sat down and breathed in, the blue water easing my mind and making me forget about my worries.

I lay my body down on one of the benches and closed my eyes for a while. However, it didnt last for long as my eyes fluttered open at teh sound of someone choking. Or should I say, something.

Inside the pool was a man drowning and on a closer look, it was Jungkook. I ran up to where he was and extended my hand to him but he was struggling. I shouted for help, but, to no avail. That's when someone came, as if I were in some type of a kdrama. Honestly, what was wven happening?

The man jumped into the water, and dragged a now passed out Jungkook from the pool. I was beyond scared. I didn't know what was I going to do.

Jungkook never told me that he couldn't swim and besides, what was he even doing in the water? A lot of questions came to my mind, but I kept them all inside me for later for him to ask.

I banged on his chest and brought my mouth close to his, giving him CPR, just in case he was too unwell.

The guy who saved him stood behind me, watching the scene unfold. I could swear that I heard him giggle as if he was amused and enjoying it all. I was beyond furious now.

"Excuse me, why are-" I stopped when I recognised his face.

All the memories came rushing back into my head. He was the guy from the lobby!

"Aren't you the satanic bloody niagra falls guy?" I asked him and wanted to jump off a cliff when I realised what I had just said.

He stiffled a laugh at it, "Yes, I'm the same guy. Finally you noticed."

Now, my attention was on him and not my husband who was still unconscious.

"Is it destiny?" he grinned, "Finally I get to introduce myself to you. I'm Jung Biryeom."

He extended his hands towards me, waitinf for me to shake it.

Just then, the body lying there rose up, spitting out water and his eyes speaking a thousand cuss words. And once again, Jungkook's hands blocked Biryeom's hands, preventing us from shaking our hands once again.

 And once again, Jungkook's hands blocked Biryeom's hands, preventing us from shaking our hands once again

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I hope you liked this chapter. I might update today again if people really do want it (I believe that they won't lmao).

But yeah, chapters 9 and 10 are up now finally!

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