9. Coincidence Or Destiny?

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↠❛coincidence or destiny?❜↞

"Ladies and gentlemen, please keep your seatbelt fastened. We'll land in a few minutes," the crew spoke on the microphone, making me flutter my eyes open.

I don't know why I was even here with this man or my husband. He always made my blood boil and just brought me here to ensure that he's safe from his father's lecture.

"Y/N, I seriously don't care about your accommodation in there. The only reason why I'm not leaving you behind is becuase my dad will find out about it," he had tild me the night before.

And here was I, sitting alone even when it was my supposed honeymoon. Of course, my jerk of a husband had decided to leave me alone by myself.

What, is this a fanfiction or what?

From the corner of my eyes, I could see him sitting my himself, his airpods plugged in and his eyes closed. Jeon Jungkook.

This man had the audacity to ditch me and then relax on his own. Great then. If he was going to spend his honeymoon by himself, it'd be the same case for me too.

I sighed when we finally landed, and I made up my mind to not run into him as long as we were here. Everything had to be different. It was my free time away from that dickhead and I had to spend it while lying low.

But, somehow, I had forgotten that I was a celebrity and I finally came to realise it as a crowd of people began to gather around me.

With my luggage with me, I took off my jacket and ran off to the other terminal where no one could find me. I put on my shades and a hat, and then waited for a taxi.

Of course, Jungkook had his car to drive with but, we couldn't ship two cars as his father would suspect it. With I being the unlucky one, I was only left with taxi being my only means on transport.

Then, another man ran toward where I was standing, his face also covered up. When I took a second look at him, the clothes were exact same as what Jungkook was wearing.

"Why are you hiding?" I asked him and he furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Y/N? Is that you?"

"Yes, genius," I stated the obvious.

"Where's your car?" I asked him.

"I lost the key in the crowd and I can't go back now. The paparazzi are all here becuase we're the trending topic," He nervously spoke.

"There she is!"

We both turned our heads toward the source of the noise and knew that it was a fan.

"We're fucked, run!" Jungkook grabbed my hand, and we both ran for our life while dragging our suitcases.

"It's all your fault, idiot! We could've drove!" I yelled at him while running.

"No, it's your fault! Your fans are the ones chasing after us!" He yelled back at me.

Just then, we noticed a black car identical to Jungkook Mercedes-Benz approach us and his bodyguards stopped the fans from attacking us so that we could get inside the car.


"So, you're telling me that we are staying in the same hotel despite all the trying?" Jungkook grimaced at me.

We both were standing in the lobby of the hotel, having a cold War with our eyes.

I clenched my jaw and then blurted out, "Why did you chose the same hotel as me? I don't want to live here with you!"

I turned on my heel and was about to walk to the restroom when I bumped into something. No, someone. I could tell that the man was  startled and then, he looked down to meet my eyes. Realisation seemed to hit him as he smiled and then took a step back before extending his hand towards me, offering a handshake.

"We meet again," he grinned, showing his perfect set of white teeth.

Jungkook seemed to notice our interaction and then stepped in, his expressions unreadble.

He blocked the stranger guy's hand and spoke, "She doesn't seem to know you. I'm her husband, so, don't make any moves towards a married woman. Or else, I'll have no option that to charge you for harassment."

***As the previous chapter was kinda dull, here you have this with more scenes of Jungkook and Y/N! It's the weekend so, the next chapter would be exciting hahahahahaha

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As the previous chapter was kinda dull, here you have this with more scenes of Jungkook and Y/N! It's the weekend so, the next chapter would be exciting hahahahahaha.

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