13. Play A Game With Me

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↠❛play a game with me❜↞

I watched her eyes become big as she tried to divert her gaze to something else.

Sure, I'll let her have that. I smirked before loosening my grip on her and with that beimg done, she pushed me away.

"What, are you a child? Drive me back to the hotel," she said and led the way.

I stared at her figure getting smaller with a smile plastered onto my face but then ran after her when I finally realised.


We both stood outside Y/N's room, which was now being cleaned by the maids. Y/N looked nervous and didn't know what to do.

"Um, you can come and wait in my room for the time being," I offered and she hesitated but finally gave in.

I jumped on my comfortable bed, and my body was now sprawled on the bed. Y/N hesitated but then took a seat on the bed, looking awkward as hell.

Why not execute my plan now?

I got up and scooted closer to her. The more i leaned in toward her, the more she leaned back until her back hit the soft duvets and me hovering over her.

I stared right into her brown orbs and saw her closing her eyes. I smirked seeing that my plan had worked. Then, I extended my hand and picked up my boxers that were right behind her. She was probably waiting for it. Well, too bad that she can't have it.

"It's my favourite one," I grinned and she opened her eyes, the look of disappointment really prominent.

"What? You want to see me in a speedo or what?"

Again, her cheeks became even more redder and it made me wonder as if she were having some bad allergic reaction.

"Um, Y/N? Do you have a fever?" I was worried and thus, placed my hand on ber forehead, "Your face is burning. What the hell?"

Her gaze diverted away from me and her mouth slightly pouted which made her look adorable and her lips look kissable.

"Move," she pushed my hand away from her face and stood up. That's when she realised that it was awkward again.

Our chests slightly grazed through each other, and our eyes staring right into our soles. That much passion which could even make the awkward author write a full-on smut chapter, but let's not break the 4th wall.

"I-I'll be back after showering," I couldn't believe that I was stuttering and with my face face now burning with embarrassment, I headed toward the bathroom, a fresh white towel slung over my shoulders.

(3rd person)

Y/N sat on the bed, playing with the hem of her shirt. She was super pissed that her phone had to run out of battery right then and there. Huffing and puffing, she put her phone down on Jungkook's side table. That's when her eyes fell on a letter addressed to Ji Y/N.

She scoffed by thinking that Jungkook was hiding an important document from her so, she took it and tore it open, reading the letter. These kinds of letters didn't even scare her anymore as she was accustomed to getting such on a daily basis.

Instead, she readed on, and stopped at the name.

Did she really have the audacity to send Y/N a hate letter after all she had done to her? Absolutely disgusting.

It was none other than her ex bestfriend, Kang Yunhee, who had betrayed her.

Y/N read the last line again.

'I will literally send assassins to kill you. Don't you go near my man, Ji Y/N. With all the hate, Kang Yunhee.'

Y/N restrained herself from breaking down and instead, decided not to even bother herself. She would just pretend that she never saw the letter. There was a reason why Jungkook hid it from her, right?

Even before she knew it, Y/N found herself surrendering to the warmth and softness of the duvets and sleep engulfing her eyelids.

It wasn't less than after 15 minutes when Jungkook came back from the shower, and saw Y/N sleeping.

He sighed of relief when he saw Y/N sleeping. He tiptoed out of the washroom, making sure that the room would be pin drop silent. He accidentally dropped his boxers on the floor, leaving him with nothing but a towel now.

He picked it up and did a victory dance when he had succeeded. Just then, he realised that he shouldn't have had done that as he felt the towel unwrap from his waist and fall down to the ground.

Now, unbeknownst to Jungkook, Y/N was starting at the sight of his naked butt with her mouth agape, her cheeks tinted pink.

Now, unbeknownst to Jungkook, Y/N was starting at the sight of his naked butt with her mouth agape, her cheeks tinted pink

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It's not a pleasant day for me. My best friend has tested positive for covid-19 and I feel so shitty.

Please keep her in your prayers!

Also, I had made this earlier in the day

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Also, I had made this earlier in the day. Yes, I know it's bad. There will be another update today!

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