16. How Pure This Is

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↠❛how pure this is❜↞

I woke up to a heavy weight on top of me, choking the hell out of me. Upon a good look, it wasn't a sack of potatoes. It was Jungkook.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled under my breath and pushed away the sleeping drooling man away from me.

His eyes fluttered open and he rubbed them, groaning.

"You literally got on top of me!" I cried out in a very high pitched voice.

It seemed like my yelling had woken him up as the corners of his mouth tugged up and he leaned in toward me.

"Aww come on, it can't be that bad!" He ruffled my hair and fled to the washroom before I could even say anything.

I got up and walked to the window, opening it and looking up at the sky with my eyes closed, letting the wind blow on my face. Just then, I heard the demonic screams. Looking down, I gaped at the huge crowd.

They were the fans with cutouts of Jungkook and I in their hands and screamed even louder when they saw me.

How on earth did they know that we were staying here? I had no idea. I hadn't even posted anything on my social media.

I practically ran up to the washroom and pushed the door open, only to be shocked at seeing the man in the relaxing in the bathtub, oblivious to everything happening outside.

"Oh hi, babygirl. Want to bathe with me?" He winked at me, blowing bubbles.

"Eek!" I squealed, "What if your freaking dick were out?" I turned away, now my back facing him.

"Then, you would've been thankful by now," He teased.

"This isn't the time for this, Jungkook! A huge group of fans are waiting outside and they even saw me from this room," I spoke, my voice shaky.

The last encounter with my fans wasn't too pleasant as I remember chasing me till I was out of breathe and the one before that was them throwing stuff at me after the scandal and-

"Stop thinking what you're thinking," Jungkook said calmly, interrupting my thoughts.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Your shoulders. They look tense," He spoke and I heard the sound of him getting out of the tub.

He wasn't wearing clothes. My cheeks turned pink at that thought.

"So, do you want to leave or what?"

"Huh?" I asked, not getting the question.

"Oh, I guess you want to see me change," Jungkook said and was about to take his towel off now.

I showed him my palm and covered my eyes with my other hand, as if telling him to stop, "No! I'll leave."


"It's confidential. Don't let the fans know that we stayed at two different rooms," I pleaded with the manager, and he nodded with a smile.

Currently, Jungkook and I were in the hotel's lobby, standing with our suitcases. The screams from the fans had gotten louder now. Jungkook's back was leaning against the reception desk, his face cold and one of his hands resting on the counter for support.

"Or else, I'll sue you," Jungkook turned around and gritted his teeth at the manager who looked scared.

I slightly nudged Jungkook with my elbow and whispered his name. He hesitated but then said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Please keep it confidential."

The manager stared at him for a few seconds in pure confusion before nodding his head slowly, unsure. Immediately, Jungkook and I whipped our head to each other's direction.

We both wondered the same thing.

Why did I do that and why did he even apologise like a baby just because I told him to?

Trying to avoid making the situation even more awkward, he and I just acted like it never happened and then took a deep breathe before walking out together. This was the first time he and I would be holding hands in front of so many people publicly.

Now, with our hands intervened, Jungkook and I confidently walked out, our chins held up high.

The fans stood there, cheering us on, as we made our way to where our bodyguard stood, in front of our car.

"She's such a slut, first Jimin and now Jungkook."

"Wasn't he getting married to someone else?"

A group of high school kids, I'm assuming, seemed like haters and spit out harsh words at me and every passing second, the urge to cry out was growing more and more.

"She doesn't deserve all the hype!" One of them threw a stone toward me, missing the aim and it fell onto the ground near my feet.

"She was the one who was my bride form the very start, not anyone else," Jungkook stepped in between me and the haters, blocking their way so that they couldn't throw anything else at me.

"Still want to throw things? Throw it on me then," he lied but protected me, making everyone coo and a string in my heart flutter.

"And she is my wife, and I never believed that she had an affair with Jimin and I still stand by that," Jungkook now spoke the truth, making all the strings flutter.

"And she is my wife, and I never believed that she had an affair with Jimin and I still stand by that," Jungkook now spoke the truth, making all the strings flutter

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Hey dolphins! It's your girl fifi ahahahahahah.

School is being a bitch nowadays and not letting me even breathe properly. Say sike.

So, it's either that I update 1 chapter everyday or 2 chapters thrice a week. Which one would you prefer? I want even the silent readers to respond to this (please don't leave me hanging).

So, which one do y'all prefer? Did you like this chapter?

Love, Alfisha 💫

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