7. Someone With A Family

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↠❛someone with a family

"You didn't have to get that angry," I fidgeted with my fingers, as soon as we got inside the car.

He turned on the ignition and said, "What a creative way you use to thank people. But, for your information, I wasn't doing for you. Now, you're a part of the Jeon Family, so, that's why I did it."

Just when I was starting to think that he's actually nice, he had to go back to being his arrogant self.

"Oh," hurt was laced in my voice but Jungkook didn't even care and began to speed up.

I wanted to rip my hair off and scream. Why the hell was I constantly embarrassing myself in front of this jerk of a husband?

Did I say husband? Ew, I take that back.

I needed some fresh air to cool myself down. Some time away from this creature.

"Stop the car," I said, my eyes fixated on the road ahead of us.

"What?" Jungkook asked, speeding down now.

"I said stop the car!" I don't know why I yelled out.

Jungkook braked immediately, causing us to experience inertia as our bodies went forward and then backward.

"What is it?" He asked, baffled.

"Go home, I'll be back in an hour," I opened the door and then shut it.

I walked over to the convenience store on the other side side of the road and watched him speed off. I sighed when he was no longer in my sight and then went inside. I was craving banana milk and walked up to that section, my eyes still scanning through all the counters.

I grabbed one and headed to the counter to pay. Just then, I noticed a boy scratching the back of his head, as if he were nervous. He looked much younger and it seemed like he was a student.

He was unable to speak and his cheeks were turning red as the cashier kept on asking what he needed help with. Observing his body language, I could tell that he was super uncomfortable.

"Excuse me, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked him and saw relief washing all over his features.

I took him to a corner and asked him, "You can tell me what you need to ask her."

"Thank you so much. My friend needs those...diapers you need for the satanic bloody niagra falls."

I almost choked at what be said, but, I got his code language. Instead, I just smiled at him and dragged him to the counter.

"Sanitary pads, please," I asked the cashier and she billed our stuff.

He and I walked out, a big smile plastered onto his face.

"Thank you so much for helping. You're such a nice person in real life, Miss Ji," He thanked me.

"You're welcome. Whenever something like this happens again, write it down on a paper and give it to the cashier. And attend school well," I smiled at him.

I saw disbelief written all over his face.

"School? I graduated University 2 years ago. It's probably just my face that got you confused," He chuckled.

"No way. How old are you?" I asked him, not believing his words.

"I'll tell you if we meet ever again. Till then, goodbye!" He mimicked a salute and ran off, leaving me there.

It was about an half an hour later when I had asked Hoseok to come pick me up and drive me back to Jungkook's place, which was now my home too. Understanding the fact that I was just married, I wasn't yet used to calling it home.

"Dress up elegant, my parents called us for dinner," I sae Jungkook fixing his tie.

He looked so tempting. Especially in that stunningly beautiful black tux-

What was I doing? I'm not supposed to get swayed by him! His exterior is as pretty as his interior is ugly.

"Will do," I nodded my head.

If I was doing a job, I should give it my all and do it properly.

I went inside my room and found a bag on my bed. Raising my eyebrows at that, I inspected the bag. Inside was a dress. A revealing one.

I felt someone standing behind me and when i turned around, I was right. Jungkook was standing behind me.

"When did you come inside? Knock from the next time."

"Now, we are equal," he sat down on my bed, manspreading.

"How do you expect me to wear such a dress in front of your parents?" I yelled. He was seriously getting on my nerves now.

"That's what we have to see now, Y/N." He licked his lips before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

I loved writing this chapter lmao. This was a lengthy ass chapter uwu. As usual, there will be another update today!


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