18. They Got Each Other

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they got each other❜↞

"13 years old," Jungkook said, making me turn my head toward him.

We were currently in the car, driving back home. The word home still sounds so foreign to me, but I am sure I will get used to it at some point.

"What?" I asked, not getting what he was even talking about.

"You must be wondering since when I started hiding. The real me," Jungkook took a glance at me with a very plain and then diverted his gaze back on to the road.

"Not really," I said, not wanting to force him or make him uncomfortable. I was actually curious, but I couldn't show that.

"It doesn't seem like it though. I'll tell you anyways," Jungkook said, as if reading my face. "My dad never loved me. I was only an inheritor to him. Someone who will carry on the Jeon bloodline and earn money for the family. That's it. I am just a mere property to him," he finished, and I could feel him crying to hold his tears back.

We pulled off at the driveway, Jungkook looking down at his lap now, his hand slightly shaking. I reached out to his hand and placed mine on his in order to calm his nerves.

"You did well, Jeon Jungkook," I patted his head lightly, "I know it wasn't that easy to open up to me about such a topic when it's only been a month since our marriage."

Just then, I felt something on my hands. Warm liquid. Tears were running down his cheek and then falling onto ny hand, which was on top of his.

"It's okay to cry," I reassured him.

"People always said that I am not supposed to cry and that I should be stern as I am a man," he choked out from all the crying.

"Relax, Koo. You don't have to tell me everything now. It'd hurt more. Do it eventually," I placed his head on my shoulders, letting him cry all he wanted.

The sleeves of my branded shirt were getting wet, but, I cared only on him.

"And also, don't ever pay heed to what people say. These are just toxic stereotypes that someone like you shouldn't follow. Be yourself. Love yourself for who you are."

My heart clenched at the sight of someone so young and innocent whose life had been ruined by the pushing toward the toxic society and it's classics, gender stereotypes.

"Let's go in. I'll help you cheer up," I tried to lighten up the mood and, it surprisingly worked.

Jungkook chuckled in the middle of crying, "You'll cheer me up? How?" He smirked and I know exactly what he was thinking.

"Yes, you'll see," I smirked back, squeezing his hand.


"This is what you wanted me to see?" Jungkook whined, definitely not pleased by what I had prepared for him.

"Yes, what did you expect?" I asked, putting in a bath bomb.

"You actually meant that you'll rub my fucking back when you said 'let's shower together?'" Jungkook commented once more, scrunching up his face.

"Oh my, what did you think," I asked, placing my hands over my chest to which his cheeks turned pink, "What? No, I didn't mean that!"

Now, it was my turn to enjoy.

"Unless, you want it," I said and bit my lip, moving my body closer to his as his body leaned back.

"Um, Y/N? How many days haven't you had sex in? Are you extra horny or what?" He asked, scared.

"Got you!" I laughed out, "Chill out, Jeon. Now turn around so that I can rub your back."


"Put my clothes on for me!"

"No! I ain't you mom," I squeaked.

"But it was your fault for treating me as a child first. So, deal with it!" Jungkook ran after me, still in his robe.

"Put on your fucking clothes by yourself, geez," I yelled and he grinned, hugging me tightly now.

He nuzzled into my neck, "Mhm, you smell so good."

Aww, a total baby.

I couldn't possibly reject him when he was being that adorable and lovely.

"Okay, go there," I said, motioning the door to his bedroom to which he obliged like a good boy.

"You're wearing your undies, right? Take off your robe, I will put on your clothes," I said and he took it off.

Oh my god. Out of all the things, I definitely did not imagine this.

This rock hard abs looked so tempting. Mhm. He was fucking ripped.

Jungkook noticed my expressions and the same guy who was like a little pully just a few moments ago, now had transformed into something else. With a very sexy smirk now replacing his previous pure smile, he leaned in and spoke into my ears.

"You know what? Let's just sleep together. As in sex, yes."


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Damn why writing really is THAT shitty. Bjt here we go, oOp-

A chapter with only Y/N and Jungkook moments as i love to see them fall in love eventually uahaha. (or is it ;) )


Love, Alfisha 💫

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