17. Just A Little Dose of Love

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↠❛just a little dose of love❜↞

The people stared at me, clearly at a loss of words. I probably startled them, but it was what I had to do to protect her.

"Sure," one of the haters spoke as she threw a rock towards my direction, hitting my arm.

I felt the pain, but didn't even try to show any emotions. I couldn't afford to do it order to keep my reputation as the cold and arrogant CEO.

"What the fuck is wrong with you all? Why would you hurt an innocent man?" Y/N stepped in, the crowd creating buzz now.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't taken aback. I didn't even expect her to be on my side, let alone stand uo for me in front of her very haters who would place a knife on her neck even if she just made a little noise. She was making me feel things now and I was loving this feeling.

Butterflies. Scratch that. The whole zoo.

"Sir! Ma'am! This way," The bodyguard rushed toward us and escorted us to our car, preventing anything bad from happening again.


It was about 2 hours later when we were in my car, Y/N driving.

"You didn't have to drive," I said, looking out of the window.

"Shut it. Your hand fucking bled," she said, obviously angry that I stepped in.

"Come on! Why are you so hung up on that?"

"Because I fucking know how to deal with the haters! What if it had hurt your head?" she mumbled the last part, "Then the guilt would've eaten me alive."

Well, it do be like that, huh?

"Chill out, cutie," I whipled my head to her direction and kissed her cheek making her eyes go big.

"Adorable," I chuckled at her reaction and she pulled over. Thank god that there weren't many cars around or else, I would be charged.

"Hey!" She yelled and paused, having nothing to say.

"What are you doing?" She yelled again, getting the same reaction from me again.

Dang this stupid author. Why isn't she making us kiss actually yet? What an idiot.

When I came back to reality, Y/N was already speeding off and honestly, I liked this company. This made me wonder if I liked her. And if so, as a friend, right?

I fished out my phone from my pocket, checking my social media.

"You did that for me, right?" She asked, referring to what happened back in Jeju Island.

𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐀𝐖. | jeon jungkook ✓Where stories live. Discover now