Chapter 1

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Chaeyoung exited her room tiredly, rubbing her eyes as she made her way into the kitchen. She was glad to see coffee already made and quickly poured herself a cup. She spotted her roommates in the living room peeking out the window and rolled her eyes as she opened the fridge to get coffee creamer.

“What are you two doing?”

Seulgi glanced at the blonde. “Someone is moving in right across from us.”

Jisoo turned to face her friend. “She’s hot. I’m thinking it’s time you get back out there into the headache that is the dating world.”

“Jisoo’s right,” Seulgi said as she moved to sit down on the couch. “You haven’t been with anyone since he-who-shall-not-be-named.”

“You’re both ridiculous,” Chaeyoung said as she moved to sit down across from Seulgi. “I’m too busy to date… and I’m also just not interested in being with anyone.”

Jisoo stared at Chaeyoung for a beat before speaking as if she hadn’t heard anything the blonde had just said. “We should bake her welcome cookies. That’ll be a nice leeway into “do you want to bang my friend.”

Chaeyoung sighed and took a sip of her coffee. “What part of not interested did you not understand?”

“All of it,” Jisoo replied. “Seriously, Chaeng. You need to go look out that window.”

Chaeyoung looked to her more sensible friend, but Seulgi only nodded in agreement. Rolling her eyes, Chaeyoung set her coffee down and headed over to the window. She pulled the curtain back slightly and looked down to the street below. She immediately spotted a young woman standing by a U-haul truck as she took long gulps from her water bottle. Chaeyoung couldn’t deny it, the woman was gorgeous. Chaeyoung hadn’t realized that she had pushed the curtain back even further until she saw the blonde below smirking as she looked back at her. “Shit.” Chaeng closed the curtain and quickly moved back to the couch. “I think she saw me.”

“Good,” Seulgi replied. “She knows you exist. You are now on her radar.”

“No, not good. She probably thinks I’m a creep. Besides, I don’t want to be on anyone’s radar.”

Jisoo looked at Chaeyoung in disbelief. “Why not? You did see her, right?”

“Yes, and she is very attractive but that doesn’t change my stance on things. I’m focusing on my career and that’s it.”

Jisoo rolled her eyes. “You need to focus on getting laid. Maybe then you’ll be less cranky.”

Chaeng glared at her friend over the rim of her coffee cup. “I’m not cranky. I’m devoted to my career.”

“Which is making you cranky,” Seulgi pointed out. “You need more out of life than just working.”

“I go out,” Chaeyoung protested.

“Grocery shopping does not count,” Jisoo stated.

Chaeyoung picked up a throw pillow from the couch and flung it at the girl. “You’re an ass.” She got up from the couch and headed into the kitchen to set her empty mug in the sink. “I’m getting ready for work.”

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