Chapter 5

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Lisa finished showing Jennie around the hospital and ended the tour back in the ER. “So how long are you here for?”

“A few days,” Jennie replied. “Minji decided I needed to use my vacation time and I thought it would be a good idea to check up on you. Speaking of which, I’ll need your house key. I don’t want to hang around this place until you’re done.”

Lisa quirked a brow. “You’re going to spend your vacation at my apartment?”

“Yep,” Jennie replied. “You’ve been making questionable decisions. I need to make sure your sanity is intact.”

Lisa folded her arms across her chest. “Questionable decisions?”

“Leaving YG for SM Hospital is one big one,” Jennie began, listing them off with her fingers. “Moving from your very nice condo, which I loved being in. Oh, and let’s not forget turning down the opportunity to be the chief of cardiothoracic surgery. The chief, Lisa. Why would you turn that down? An opportunity like that is great for your career.”

Lisa sighed. “You’re definitely not staying at my apartment if you’re going to lecture me about my life choices the entire time.”

“You’re being an idiot,” Jennie stated. “It’s my job as your former mentor and best friend to tell you these things.”

“It’s also your job to be supportive.”

“I can’t be supportive of you sabotaging your career. If this is because of what happened with Sana-,”

“Don’t,” Lisa said, sternly. “I haven’t sabotaged anything. Stop being overdramatic. How about we agree to not talk about my career choices?”

Jennie was silent for a moment, wanting to persist but decided to drop it. “Fine. We won’t talk about your bad decisions and what little sense they make. Keys, please.”

Lisa narrowed her eyes at the woman. “I don’t know if I want you around me for a few days.”

“You do,” Jennie assured her. “I’m ninety percent sure you haven’t unpacked much of anything. You need me.”

Lisa’s shoulders slumped. “I’ve been busy,” she muttered before heading towards the locker room to grab her key. “You don’t need to help me unpack. I’ll get around to it.” A thought hit her and she turned her head to look at Jennie. “Hey, how do you feel about hiking?”

Lisa was following the trail, staying behind to be near Chaeyoung while Jennie, Jisoo and Seulgi chatted a few feet ahead of them. She looked over at Chaeyoung, her gaze trailing over her outfit; yoga pants that hugged her just right and a tight fitting tank top.

“I can feel you perving on me.” Chaeyoung put the cap back onto her bottle and looked at Lisa.

Lisa smirked. “I apologize, Chaeyoung. I just find you very beautiful.

Chaeyoung pushed down the smile that threatened to appear at the compliment. “That won’t work on me.”

Lisa quirked a brow. “And what’s that exactly?”

“You trying to be charming. I’m not buying into it.”  

“I’m naturally charming,” Lisa said, affronted. “Especially around intelligent, gorgeous women.”

Cheyoung shook her head. “I’m not charmed.”

“I guess I need to try a bit harder then.”

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