Chapter 6

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Chaeyoung woke up to the feeling of someone poking her cheek and swatted the hand away as she sat up on the couch. “Ow,” she muttered as she rubbed her neck. She looked up and saw Lisa looking at her in amusement. “We fell asleep on the couch while listening to my mellow music. What a Saturday night, right?”

Chaeyoung chuckled lightly. “Oh yeah, we’re so cool.” Lisa held out a glass of water to her and she gratefully took it. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. I made breakfast if you’re hungry. Jennie never came back over so I’m assuming she’s passed out in your apartment.”

Chaeyoung gulped down her water and took a good look at Lisa. The blonde had a fresh pair of jeans and a t-shirt on and her hair was damp. “How long have you been up?”

“Two hours.” Lisa moved back into the kitchen to grab two plates. She handed Chaeyoung one and sat down on the couch across from her before starting to eat.

Chaeyoung looked at Lisa before looking down at the plate in confusion. “Why’d you make me breakfast?”

“Because I was making myself breakfast and you’re here, so why not?”

Chaeyoung picked up the fork resting on her plate. “Thank you… but if this is some way to woo me, I’m not that easy.”

Lisa laughed. “Relax. It’s a no-strings attached breakfast, Chaeyoung.”

Chaeyoung cut into her omelet and took a bite of it. Her eyes widened at the burst of flavor. “Ohmygod, this is amazing.”

Lisa smiled. “I think you’re just hungry.”

“No, really. This is good.” Chaeyoung continued to eat.

“I know. I was trying to be modest.” Lisa took a bite of her omelet before adding, “I really am a great cook. So are you warming up to me?”

“Only because you fed me,” Chaeyoung answered, jokingly.

“I thought you weren’t easy.”

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. “I didn’t say I’d have sex with you. You’re still an ass, but admittedly, I like you better outside of the hospital. I might entertain the idea of being nicer to you.”  

Lisa smirked. “I’m sure that will be a great feat for you.”

Chaeyoung groaned. “It probably will be. You could make it easier by not being a jerk. Plain clothes Lisa is way more tolerable than Doctor Lisa.” Chaeyoung grew serious as she set her plate down on the coffee table. “Thanks for letting me hang here last night.”

“I didn’t mind the company.” Lisa stood up from the couch. “Maybe we can be friends. We can be platonically messed up together.”

Chaeyoung smiled. “Should make for an interesting friendship.”

“Is that you saying you would actually be my friend?” Lisa asked as she placed her plate in the kitchen sink.

Chaeyoung tilted her head to the side as she thought about it. “We’ll go with acquaintances for now. You’re on a trial period.”

Lisa laughed as she moved back into the living room. “Works for me.”

The front door opened and Jennie walked in tiredly. She ran a hand through her hair and trudged further into the apartment. She stopped when she finally noticed Lisa and Chaeyoung. She looked from Lisa to Chaeyoung and back at Lisa again, a smirk forming as she did so. She silently entered the bathroom, leaving the two alone once again.

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