Chapter 15

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Lisa was walking up the stairs to her apartment when Chaeyoung exited hers with Jisoo and Seulgi. “Hey,” Chaeyoung greeted her with a smile.

“Hi,” Lisa replied, tiredly. “What are you three up to?”

“A girl’s morning out,” Seulgi replied. She could tell that Lisa didn’t get much sleep. “Are you okay?”

Lisa nodded. “Yeah, I got called in a few hours ago. Had a long surgery.” She gestured to her apartment. “I’m just going to take a shower and go back to bed.”

Chaeyoung looked to her friends. “I’ll meet you guys at the car.”

Jisoo smirked. “Sure thing. Have fun.” She wiggled her eyebrows at her friend before making her way out of the apartment building with Seulgi.

Chaeyoung brushed a strand of hair from Lisa’s cheeks and tame her messy bangs. “Do you need anything? I can get you some breakfast.”

Lisa smiled at how caring Chaeyoung was being. “I don’t want you to go out of your way.”

“It won’t be out of my way,” Chaeyoung assured her. She took Lisa’s key from her hand and moved to her apartment door. “You go take a nap and I’ll be back with breakfast in an hour or so.”

Lisa watched as Chaeyoung unlocked the apartment door before pulling the apartment key off its keychain. “You’re taking my key?”

Chaeyoung handed Lisa back her other keys. “Yeah, I’ll need to get into your apartment while you’re asleep.” She shoved the key into her pocket. “Do you want anything specific?”

Lisa smirked. “Do you remember my ‘pretentious’ coffee order?”

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. “You’re going to make me recite that order to a poor soul?”

“I’m not making you do anything. You so graciously offered,” Lisa reminded her with a hint of a smile.

Chaeyoung reached up to cup Lisa’s chin. “You’re lucky you look so cute and pathetic right now.” She moved away from Lisa to head downstairs, ignoring the other blonde as she denied looking pathetic. When she reached her car, she rolled her eyes as Jisoo and Seulgi smiled widely at her.

“Needed to get a few kisses in?” Jisoo teased.

“I was just checking to see if she wanted anything while we were out,” Chaeyoung informed them as she moved to get into the car.

Jisoo got into the passenger seat while Seulgi got into the back. “So what’s your status? Are you two official?”

“We’re taking things slow,” Chaeyoung reminded them as she started her car. “We’re just having fun. Nothing serious yet.”

Seulgi sighed. “Is that what you’re telling yourself so you don’t fall for her? Chaeyoung, you need to let yourself just feel whatever it is Lisa makes you feel. Don’t shield yourself from it.”

Jisoo nodded. “Yeah, I agree with that… just not in the cheesy romantic novel way that she said it.”

Seulgi kicked the back of Jisoo’s chair and Jisoo turned in her seat to try to hit the other woman.

“Will you two behave,” Chaeyoung chided, good-naturedly but her words went unheard as the two continued to trade hits.

About an hour and a half later, Chaeyoung entered Chaeyoung’s apartment carrying a bag with a breakfast burrito and a cup of Lisa’s favorite coffee. “Lisa?” She called as she set the items on the counter. When she didn’t get an answer, she made her way to Lisa’s room and saw that the cardiothoracic surgeon was fast asleep. Smiling at the sight, she went over to the nightstand and picked up Lisa’s keychain so she could put the woman’s key back into place. She was about to leave the room when Lisa’s phone began to buzz on the nightstand. Wanting Lisa to get more sleep, she picked it up and saw that it was Jennie. She swiped the screen to answer it as she walked out of the room. “Hello?”

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