Chapter 4

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Chaeyoung entered the locker room the next morning and saw that Lisa was in there as well. She moved to her locker, which just happened to be near Lisa’s and decided to play nice today. “Good morning, Doctor Manoban.”

Lisa grinned and removed her shirt before tossing it into her locker. “Doctor Park,” she greeted her. She stood shirtless as she gestured to the two cups of coffee that were sitting on the bench. “I bought you coffee.”

Chaeyoung opened her locker before glancing at the other blonde, pretending she didn’t notice just how fit Lisa was. “Why?”

“Because I wanted to,” Lisa replied. “Don’t worry, it’s your normal boring order.”

“And how do you know what my coffee order is?” Chaeyoung asked as she undressed to put on her scrubs.

“I have my sources,” Lisa replied. “You know, most people just say ‘thank you’ where I’m from.”

Chaeyoung knew she was being unnecessarily snippy. “Sorry.” She picked up the coffee. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Lisa finished undressing before slipping her scrubs on. “So can I do it again?”

Chaeyoung frowned. “Do what again?”

“Buy you coffee,” Lisa stated as she pulled on her lab coat. “There’s a café around the corner. Maybe we can go there in between the chaos.”

Chaeyoung quirked a brow. “You’re asking me on a date?”

“I am,” Lisa confirmed.

Chaeyoung sipped her coffee. “The answer is still no.” She turned to leave and Lisa followed her out.

“Okay, how do I make the answer a yes?” Lisa asked, curiously.

“I’m never going on a date with you,” Chaeyoung stated.

“Do you have some rule against dating colleagues?”

“I don’t. I just know we wouldn’t work,” Chaeyoung replied. “No matter how attractive I think you are.”

Seulgi approached Chaeyoung and Lisa with a stack of folders in her arms. “Doctor Manoban, I have the labs for Janette Talley. She’ll need surgery. Coronary artery bypass grafting, actually.”

Lisa turned away from Chaeyoung to face Seulgi. “You sound sure.”

“I am sure,” Seulgi said, confidently. “I’m a third-year resident not an intern.”

Lisa stared at Seulgi for a moment before holding her hand out for the file. Seulgi handed it over and waited nervously as the doctor looked over the labs. “And if you were doing this surgery, which artery would you use?”

“The saphenous veins,” Seulgi replied. “Faster recovery and less scarring. She’s a single mom. She’ll need to be back on her feet as quickly as possible.” 

“Guess it’s a good thing you’re not doing the surgery,” Lisa commented. “Using the internal mammary arteries has the best long-term results.” Lisa closed the folder before looking at Chaeyoung. “Enjoy your coffee, Doctor Park.” She said before walking away.

Seulgi sighed as she looked at her best friend. “She hates me.”

“She doesn’t,” Chaeyoung replied. “She just lacks social skills so she comes off as rude all the time.”

“So you’re friends now?” Seulgi asked, happily. “Can you put in a good word for me?”

“We’re nowhere near being friends,” Chaeyoung replied. “And you don’t need me to put in a good word for you. You’re great, Seul.”

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