Chapter 20

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Lisa was sitting in the living room silently as Sana sat across from her waiting for the doctor to say something. Lisa had sent a text to both Jisoo and Seulgi asking them to hear her out when she came over later because Chaeyoung had jumped to conclusions but she hadn’t received a response yet from either of them.

“I’m sorry I kissed you,” Sana finally broke the suffocating silence. “I just thought…,” Sana sighed and shook her head. “I didn’t mean to ruin your night. I can talk to that woman for you. Is she your girlfriend?”

Lisa nodded. “She is. And it’s okay, I’ll talk to her.” Lisa’s heart hadn’t stopped pounding in her chest since she opened her door for Sana minutes ago. “It is great to see you, Sana. How’d you know where to find me?”

“I went to YG Medical and asked for you,” Sana replied. “A nurse said you transferred here so I drove over and sat in the parking lot trying to work up the nerve to go inside. That’s when I saw you exit the hospital and I decided to follow you. That was yesterday. I didn’t work up the courage to come over until tonight. I really am sorry. I’m such an idiot. I mean, I never expected you to still be single but part of me was hoping you would be and that we could start over.”

“Sana-,” Lisa began but the other woman held up a hand to stop her.

“Does she make you happy?” Sana asked.

A faint smile pulled at Lisa’s lips. “She does.”

Sana matched Lisa’s smile. “Tell me about her? I’ve got to make sure I’m leaving you in good hands.”

Lisa laughed lightly. “She’s a trauma doctor. She actually couldn’t stand me at first. We’ve come a long way, though. She likes to cook with me and make sure I’m doing things not medical-related during my downtime. She told my parents off a few weeks ago.”

Sana looked impressed. “I’m definitely a fan of her already. How’d you two finally end up together if she didn’t like you?”

Lisa let out a breath. “A lot of work. She didn’t make it easy by any means but I didn’t mind working for what I wanted. I spent thirty minutes in a flower shop one day trying to find her the right arrangement but then I knew it was too cliché to impress a woman like her, you know? But I like it that way- she challenges me and it’s always fun. I can’t even begin to describe how amazing she is. She is a little of everything- gentle, bold, guarded, vulnerable.”

Sana could tell that Lisa was head over heels for the trauma doctor just from listening to her talk about her. “Does she know?”

Lisa frowned. “Know what?”

“That you’re in love with her,” Sana clarified.

“I’m not sure,” Lisa admitted. “That topic is a sensitive one. I don’t want to scare her off. Shit, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to go on like this. You’re not here for that.”

“It’s fine, Lisa. I’m glad to see you so happy. You should go fix things with your girlfriend. I’m sorry again for causing problems.”

Lisa stood up as Sana did. “Don’t worry about it. Thank you for coming to see me.” She stepped over to the woman and hugged her. “Maybe we can stay in contact?”

“I’d like that,” Sana said. “Just give me some time, okay? I’ll be in touch.”

Lisa knew that meant Sana hadn’t moved on and needed time to deal with her feelings, which made Lisa feel bad for how she went on about Chaeyoung. She never meant to add salt to the wound. “Take care of yourself.”

“I will,” Sana promised as they made their way to the front door. “Goodnight, Lisa.”

“Goodnight.” Lisa watched the woman leave and took a moment to be happy that her ex was healthy and that she finally had closure. Taking a deep breath, Lisa stepped across the hall and knocked on the door.

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