Chapter 10

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Chaeyoung's eyes slowly fluttered open and she smiled at the ache in her body that reminded her of the night before. She rolled over to see if Lisa was awake and saw that the space was empty. She sat up, holding the bed sheet to her chest, thinking maybe Lisa was already getting ready. She ran a hand through her hair and leaned the back of her head against the headboard. She wondered briefly if things would be awkward between them but knew Lisa wouldn't allow things to be. Deciding to get the morning after over with, Chaeyoung got dressed and exited the room to find the other surgeon.

She had been expecting Lisa to be awake and in the kitchen, ready to start her day but she was surprised to see the woman asleep on the couch. Frowning, she moved over to the other blonde and gently shook her. "Lisa."

Lisa turned her head away from Chaeyoung and continued to sleep. Smiling, Chaeyoung shook her again. "We have an hour before we have to be at work. I know how you cherish your attendance."

Lisa turned her head to look at Chaeyoung. "I'm tired. You kept me up all night."

Chaeyoung scoffed. "You were the insatiable one." She gestured to the couch. "Why'd you sleep here?"

"I figured you'd turn into a prude in the morning," Lisa replied as she sat up. "I was giving you your space."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. "How are you so considerate but still such an ass at the same time?"

Lisa grinned. "It's part of my charm."

"Well, I didn't mean to ban you to the couch. You could've stayed in your bed. I wouldn’t have minded."

"I'll remember that for next time," Lisa said as she stood up to stretch.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Chaeyoung said, even though the thought of a repeat performance definitely held some interest for her. "That was a one-time thing. We agreed."

Lisa placed a hand on her hip and smiled. "Well that's disappointing because that thing with your tongue was-,"

"No." Chaeyoung pointed a finger at Lisa, stopping her from continuing. "We are not talking about it. It happened, we both wanted it and now it's done."

Lisa dropped her hand from her hip. "Do I at least get to know if you found last night satisfactory?"

"Ohmygod," Chaeyoung groaned out. "Do you need a stroke to your ego or something?" Lisa simply quirked a brow and Chaeyoung sighed. "You are amazing in bed. Out of bed- not so much."

Lisa chuckled. “I know that from how many times you moaned it. What I meant to say is did you get…,” she gestured between them, “this out of your system?”

Chaeyoung thought about it for a moment. “I did. Now that the sex is out of the way, we can be friends without the tension."

“Perfect,” Lisa said, amused. "So... coffee?"

Chaeyoung shook her head. "Thanks, but I should really get back to my apartment and get ready for work."

"You say that as if you have to travel far," Lisa said.

"It takes me awhile to get ready," Chaeyoung said.

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