Chapter 25

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The next day, Lisa entered Jim’s hospital room and smiled when she saw him lying in bed  talking to Chaeyounf, Dara, Jisoo and Seulgi. He had an oxygen mask looped across his face but she was glad to see him up. “Hey, it’s good to see you awake.”

Jim pulled the mask from his face. “You saved my life. You are definitely a shoo-in for future daughter-in-law.”

Chaeyoug rolled her eyes as a blush creeped up her neck. “Dad,” she chided as she put the mask back into place.

“He’s right,” Dara cut in. “You should hang on to this one.”

Chaeyoung groaned. “You two are embarrassing.”

“They’re not wrong,” Lisa smirked. “You should definitely never let me go. I’m pretty amazing.”

“You’re just as ridiculous as them.” Chaeyoung looked at her watch and sighed. “I’m sorry, Dad. I have to go. Jisoo and I have a surgery.”

Jim pulled the mask from his face once again. “I’m perfectly fine. Go save lives. I’ll be here until my doctor lets me go.”

“Which won’t be today,” Lisa stated, knowing the man didn’t want to be stuck in the hospital.

Jisoo patted Jim on the shoulder. “I’ll stop by later, Mr. P.”

“Sneak me a burger,” Jim pleaded.

Jisoo laughed. “Not happening. I’m sure Doctor Manoban has a whole new diet regimen for you.”

Dara’s pager went off and she kissed her husband on the cheek. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. Try not to be the most miserable patient ever,” she said before rushing out.

Chaeyoung hugged her father gently before leaving with Jisoo to scrub in for their surgery.

“And then there were two.” Jim looked from Seulgi to Lisa. “So what happens now?”

“I’ll have to run some tests.”

“Done,” Seulgi said as she tapped away on her tablet. “I knew you’d be in early so I came in even earlier to run a bunch of tests. Everything seems to have gone well during surgery.” She held out the tablet for Lisa to read over the results of each test. “I believe the condition was caused by a genetic defect but Jim does have a history of high blood pressure. I went ahead and prescribed Coumadin, along with a few other drugs, which are listed…” she gestured to the tablet, “on there.”

Lisa smiled, impressed by Seulgi’s efforts. “Thank you, Doctor Kang.” She read through the files before handing it back to Seulgi. “What happens now is that we’ll need to changeup your diet. You’ll have physical therapy to rebuild your stamina and muscle strength.”

Jim pulled the mask down so he could speak clearly. “And when can I leave?”

Lisa secured the oxygen mask back onto his face. “We’ll take that day by day. And in case you missed it the first time, it really is great to see you up. It really would have sucked if I had killed you. You’re a good man.”

Jim removed the mask from his face and rested it against his chest. “Thank you for insisting on the ultrasound. I wouldn’t be here without you.” He looked at Seulgi. “You both saved my life and I’ll never forget it.”

“We were just doing our jobs,” Lisa said. “I’m just glad I was in that parking lot when I was. Guess I can say my parents’ obnoxious ways have come in handy for something.” She placed the mask back on Jim’s face. “Get some rest. I’ll be back around soon.”

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