Chapter 28

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The next morning, Lisa woke up to her phone buzzing. She felt around her nightstand for it and saw Chaeyoung’s name on her caller ID. “Chaeng,” she answered. “It’s seven in the morning.”

“Yeah, the usual time you’re up,” Chaeyoung stated.

“Not when Jennie kept me up all night,” Lisa whined. “I’m going back to bed.”

“I want to give you one of your presents now,” Chaeyoung said, huskily.

Lisa felt herself wake up a little more at the thought of morning sex. “I might be willing to get up for a birthday present.”

“Unlock the front door and go back to your room. Keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them.”

Lisa huffed. She didn’t like surprises. “Why?”

“Do it,” Chaeyoung ordered. “Or I’ll stay home.”

“Fine,” Lisa drawled as she left her room. She unlocked the door and glanced at Jennie, who was asleep on the couch. She made her way back to her room before speaking again. “Jennie’s fast asleep on the couch so try to stay quiet coming in.”

“I will. Are your eyes closed?” Chaeyoung asked.

“No,” Lisa replied.

“Lisa,” Chaeyoung said in a warning tone.

“Alright, alright.” Lisa closed her eyes. “They’re closed. And just to make sure we’re on the same page about this birthday present, I am about to get sex, right? I would hate to have made the effort to get out of bed for something other than sex.”

Lisa was slightly startled when she felt her phone being taken from her hand. She kept her eyes closed and swallowed hard. “Chaeyoung?”

“Keep your eyes closed,” Chaeyoung said, quietly. She locked Lisa’s room door before removing the robe she had worn to walk across the hall. “Anyone ever tell you that you’re a sex addict?”

Lisa chuckled. “You. But I can’t help it. I happen to find you very desirable.” Lisa felt Chaeyoung’s breath on her neck and she shivered as the blonde’s lips lightly touched her skin. She had to force herself to keep her eyes shut. “I want to see you.”

Chaeyoung moved away from Lisa. “Okay, open your eyes.”

Lisa opened her eyes and an embarrassing moan escaped her at the sight of her girlfriend. Chaeyoung was wearing a brown teddy that complemented her eyes and she had garter belts on. She had light make-up on and her look was topped off with high heels. “Holy shit, Chaeyoung,” Lisa said, reaching for the blonde’s hand in order to pull her closer. She bit her lower lip as she eyed the woman. She was completely awake and ready to ravish every inch of Chaeyoung. She stood up and kissed Chaeyoung slowly at first and then things became heated as she slid her hands up Chaeyoung’s lingerie.

“Wait.” Chaeyoung pulled away and reached for a bag on the floor that Lisa hadn’t noticed before now. “There’s more to your present.”

Lisa laughed when Chaeyoung pulled the strap-on she had found in the blonde’s drawer months ago. They had never gotten around to using it but now was definitely an opportune time. She reached for it but Chaeyoung pulled it away from her.

“I’m wearing it,” Chaeyoung informed her.

“Absolutely not,” Lisa said. “I don’t want this thing in me. I would, however, love to use it on you.”

Chaeyoung pouted and Lisa nipped at her bottom lip. “Get on the bed,” she ordered as she took the toy from her girlfriend. Chaeyoung saw the excitement and arousal in Lisa’s eyes and knew she was in for a really good morning. Chaeyoung removed her heels and got onto the bed so she could watch Lisa undress and secure the strap-on around her waist.

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