Chapter 26

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Months later…

Chaeyoung was sitting in the hospital’s locker room texting on her phone while Lisa changed out of her scrubs. Chaeyoung smiled at her phone and Lisa quirked a brow. “You’ve been glued to your phone the last few days.”

Chaeyoung glanced up at Lisa for a moment. “Yeah, I’m having an affair,” she deadpanned.

“Hm, how’s that going?” Lisa asked, unfazed as she slipped her shoes on.

“It’s a lot of work, actually,” Chaeyoung answered as she tapped away on her phone. “I might have to break it off.”

“I’m just relieved it’s an affair,” Lisa replied as she grabbed her jacket. “I was afraid you were planning the birthday party I told you I didn’t want.”

Chaeyoung stood up and shoved her phone into her pocket. “I don’t know why you’re so against a party. It’ll be fun.”

“It’s just another day, Chaeyoung,” Lisa said as she linked her fingers with her girlfriend’s and made her way out of the locker room with the other blonde.

“It’s not just another day,” Chaeyoung protested. “It’s your day and I want to celebrate it with friends, cake, alcohol and a lot of sex.”

Lisa smirked. “Well I’m definitely down for the sex part of that.”

“Of course you are.” Chaeyoung’s phone buzzed and she pulled it out of her pocket to read the message from Jennie.

Jennie[8:15pm]: Are you inviting the non-dead ex-girlfriend?

Chaeyoung[8:16pm]: I don’t think Lisa would appreciate you referring to Sana as that. And no, I wasn’t planning on it. Should I? Is it a bitch move not to? I just thought it would be a bad idea.

Chaeng,” Lisa sighed as they reached her car. “Did you hear anything I just said?”

“No,” Chaeyoung admitted as she continued to text Jennie. “Hold on.”

Lisa opened the passenger door for Chaeyoung, who smiled and kissed Lisa before getting into the car. Once she was in the vehicle as well, Lisa looked over at Chaeyoung. “Tell Jennie I said hi.”

Chaeyoung frowned as she glanced at Lisa. “How’d you know I was texting Jennie?”

Lisa smirked. “I guessed and you just confirmed. No party, Chaeng. I mean it.”

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes as Lisa started the car. “You’re no fun and I’m not listening to you. You’re having a party. It’ll be low-key.” Chaeyoung returned her attention to her phone.


Chaeyoung[8:20pm]: Why is Lisa so against celebrating her birthday?

Jennie[8:20pm]: Haven’t you guessed it? Shitty parents. Let’s see…

Jennie[8:22pm]: From constantly forgetting her birthday to telling her birthdays are just another day when she would get upset about it… I think Lisa just doesn’t care anymore.

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