Chapter 2

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Jisoo and Seulgi were sitting in the cafeteria with Chaeyoung as the blonde told them about what had happened that morning with Seoul Medical Hospital or SM Hospital's newest doctor. "I was busting my ass in that ER," Chaeyoung huffed. "I don't need some new doctor coming here claiming to have been doing my job."

"Maybe you just misunderstood what she was saying." Chaeyoung gave Seulgi an incredulous look causing the brunette to quickly add, "or not."

"My mom won't stop talking about her," Chaeyoung continued. "Apparently she was a great doctor back at YG Medical."

Jisoo chuckled. "I always thought that was a weird name for a hospital. Sounds like death and despair."

"You don't even know what YG means" Seulgi challenged Jisoo with a look.

Jisoo shrugged "Well the aura I get on that name feels like I'm in a dungeon. Dunno"

"Focus," Chaeyoung sighed.

"Right," Jisoo nodded. "Manoban is a jerk. Continue."

"I can already tell she thinks she's better than everyone," Chaeyoung ranted. "I can't believe I have to live across from her and work with her."

"You don't have to like her to sleep with her," Seulgi stated. "She's really hot."

"Yeah," Jisoo jumped in. "You can definitely still get on top of that."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. "I was never planning to sleep with Doctor Manoban."

"That's a shame," Jisoo replied. "You need to get laid and Lisa would've been a perfect candidate."

"Can you both get your minds out of the gutter?" Chaeyoung asked in exasperation.

"She might end up being my attending," Seulgi said, excitedly. "I've finally decided on a specialty."

"It's about time," Jisoo said to the surgical resident. "I thought for a moment you'd choose general surgery just out of default."

"Hey, general surgery is great," Seulgi said. "Ho-seok is a great teacher. I'm just ready for something more."

"So cardiothoracic surgery?" Chaeyoung asked.

Seulgi nodded. "Yep, I'm thinking that's where I want to be."

"You'd be better off with my mother as an attending. Lisa doesn't seem like the teaching type."

"You've had one bad interaction with her," Seulgi said. "You can't condemn her for that." She spotted Lisa walking their way and grinned. "She's heading this way."

Chaeyoung frowned. "She as in-,"

"Doctor Park." Lisa stood on the side Jisoo and Seulgi were sitting at and looked down at Chaeyoung. "May I have a word?"

Chaeyoung stood up from the table. "I was actually just about to head back to the ER."

"I'll walk with you," Lisa offered.

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes, waving goodbye to her friends before making her way out of the cafeteria. "Why? To make sure I can manage to get there on my own?"

"No, I think we got off to a bad start and wanted to try again," Lisa admitted. "I didn't mean to offend you early. I'm just used to how things are run at YG."

"And how are things run there?" Chaeyoung asked, feeling like she would regret asking.

"In a more organized fashion," Lisa answered, simply.

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