Chapter 3

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A few days later...

Lisa was reading over a patient's lab when she felt the presence of someone. She glanced up and saw Seulgi smiling widely at her. "Doctor Kang," she greeted her. "Is there something I can do for you?"

"I'm your resident," Seulgi said, happily. "I'm excited to learn everything you have to teach me. I've been reading a lot about YG Medical and you guys are very hardcore doctors over there. I mean, we're pretty bad ass over here but you guys are next level. I heard from Dara that you were an intern when you had to perform a surgery on an elevator. So epic."

Lisa waited a moment unsure if Seulgi was done speaking but when the brunette didn't continue, she decided it was safe to speak. "I don't teach. Maybe you'd be better off with Doctor Park."

"Dara? She sent me to you," Seulgi stated. "This is a teaching hospital, you know. You don't have much of a choice."

Lisa knew the brunette was right. "Fine. I have a heart valve replacement at noon. You can scrub in on that. Until then," Lisa handed Seulgi the lab report she had been looking over. "You can tell Mr. Henrick that his health sucks."

Seulgi took the folder. "I'll get right on that." She started to leave but turned back around to face Lisa. "Can I ask you a personal question?"

"No," Lisa replied as she was handed another file from the nurse at the desk.

"Why did you leave YG?" Seulgi continued.

Lisa signed a form and handed it to the nurse before looking at Seulgi. "Get to work, Doctor Kang."

"Right. Sorry." Seulgi turned and headed down the hall, now even more curious as to why the doctor had decided to transfer to SM Hospital.

Lisa was about to make her way down the hall but stopped when she saw Chaeyoung making her way towards her with another doctor. Chaeyoung hadn't noticed her because she was currently looking at a file so Lisa took this opportunity to admire how gorgeous the other blonde was.

"Doctor Manoban," the other doctor next to Chaeyoung greeted her.

Lisa looked away from Chaeyoung to look at the man. "Doctor..."

"Choi," the man held out his hand. "It's great to have you here."

Lisa shook his hand and smiled. "Thank you."

Choi Si-won gestured to Chaeyoung. "You've met Doctor Park, right?"

Lisa nodded. "Yes, I've had the pleasure of meeting her. Actually, could I steal her from you for a moment?" Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes at Lisa, wondering why the woman wanted to speak to her.

"Sure," Si won replied. "We'll talk later," he said to Chaeyoung before walking away.

"What do you need, Doctor Manoban?" Chaeyoung asked, trying to be polite. The last few days with the blonde had been frustrating. If Lisa wasn't recommending how she should do a surgery, she was commenting on her technique. She didn't even know why the cardiothoracic surgeon bothered to watch her surgeries from the gallery.

Lisa smirked. "The glares I receive from you at least five times a day are starting to hurt my feelings, Doctor Park."

Chaeyoung quirked a brow. "Oh, do you have those? It's hard to tell a hundred percent of the time." Chaeyoung knew that wasn't true. She did remember how Lisa had been with that little boy a few days ago but the doctor was so infuriating that it eclipsed her semi-decent side.

Lisa's smirk remained at Chaeyoung's agitated response. "Are you still upset about yesterday?"

Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes at the woman. "Let me run you through yesterday," she began. "You stole my parking spot."

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