Chapter 24

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Lisa entered the building of the private practice that her parents owned. She made her way straight to her mother’s office, ignoring the woman at the front desk who tried to get her to stop. She opened her mother’s office door without knocking and saw the woman on the phone. She moved further into the office and stood at the desk as Ava looked at her, continuing her conversation.

The assistant rushed into the office but Ava waved her away as she ended her call. “Priya,” she greeted as she set her phone down. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

Lisa pulled the two checks from her back pocket and tossed them onto her mother’s desk. “Chaeyoung and Sana send their regards.”

Ava looked at the checks for a moment before looking up at Lisa. “They’re both foolish to have declined these offers.”

“You’re unbelievable,” Lisa said, upset that her mother didn’t even seem to feel bad about what she had tried to do. “Stay away from Chaeyoung. Your threats won’t do any good. I don’t want anything to do with you or dad. You won’t ever be happy with me unless I let you control my future and that’s just not going to happen anymore. I’m living my life for me now.”

Mario entered the office and was surprised to see Lisa. “I didn’t believe Maeng when she said you stormed into your mother’s office. It’s been months since you’ve stopped by here.”

Lisa looked at her father, anger obvious from her expression. She snatched up the checks from the desk and held them out to her father. “Did you know about these?”

Mario took the checks and read over them both before looking at his wife in disbelief. He looked back at his daughter and sighed. “No, I wasn’t aware of either of these incidences. I’m sure your mother only had the best of intentions when she-,”

Lisa laughed, cutting him off. “You’re always defending her, even when you think she’s wrong. Well congratulations, you no longer have a daughter.”

Mario held up both his hands. “Okay, let’s calm down. You don’t need to be overdramatic. All we ever wanted for you-,”

“I’m not listening to this,” Lisa interrupted. “I’ve been hearing you say the same thing since I was a child. All you two care about is me not making you look bad. Well guess what? You do a good job of that all on your own.”

Ava stood from her desk and looked at her daughter. “You can’t come in here and attack us like this for wanting the best for you.”

Lisa was done with the conversation and didn’t want to argue. “I have to head into work. My shift starts soon.” Lisa exited the office without another word and smiled as she made her way towards the elevator. Telling off her parents was always a rewarding feeling.

Lisa was about to enter the hospital when she saw Park Jim walking out of the building. “Mr. Park,” she greeted him. “Were you stopping by for a visit?”

Jim smiled at the doctor. “Hey, Lisa. I was actually stopping by to get checked out but it’s busy. I can wait. There’s a guy in there with a knife through his hand. I think he needs more help than me.”

Lisa frowned. “Do Chaeyoung and Dara know you’re here?”

Jim shook his head. “I don’t want to worry them over nothing. Anyway, I’ll see you later. You should stop by with Chaeyoung this weekend.”

“Let me look you over before you go.” Lisa could tell Jim was having trouble breathing. “How long have you been having trouble breathing?”

“About an hour ago,” Jim replied. “Really, though. I’m fine. I’m probably just getting sick.”

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