Chapter 13

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Chaeyoung was about to enter Jin Do-won’s hospital room when she saw Lisa in the room checking the boy’s vitals. Since Lisa’s back was to her, she leaned against the doorway and watched on.

“Everything looks good, Do-won,” Lisa said as she moved her stethoscope from her ears. “You’ll be as good as new soon and you’ll have an awesome scar. Just don’t go getting anymore this massive.”

“I’ll be more careful,” the seven-year old promised.

“Good.” Lisa reached into her lab coat pocket and pulled out a cup of Jell-O. She lowered her voice as she spoke to the kid. “I infiltrated the cafeteria and found the best of the best.” She handed the Jell-O to Do-won along with a spoon. “Enjoy it. I’ll be back to see you later.”

“Thanks, Doctor Manoban!” Do-won said, happily as he tore open the Jell-O cup. Lisa ruffled his hair and turned to leave, smiling when she saw Chaeyoung.

“I think you missed your calling,” Chaeyoung said as they headed down the hallway together. “You should’ve been in peds.”

“Being a pediatric surgeon would break my heart,” Lisa admitted. “I can’t stand to see kids sick or hurt.” Once they reached the elevator, Lisa hit the button for the elevator to open and turned to face Chaeyoung. “Are you busy tonight? I was thinking we could have dinner together at my place.”

Chaeyoung grinned. “As a date?”

“No, our first date isn’t going to be that lame,” Lisa assured her. “I just want to spend time with you outside of the hospital.”

“I can do dinner.” The doors to the elevator slid open and the two stepped on. “Do you want me over to help cook or anything?”

“You can come over and keep me company while cook. And it’s sweatpants and t-shirt or no service.”

Chaeyoung laughed. “So you want me to come over looking like a bum?”

“I just don’t expect you to get yourself dolled-up after a long day of saving lives just so we can sit on my couch.” Lisa hit the button for the floor they would be going down to. “Besides, I’ve seen you zombie walk out of your apartment with impressive bed hair in order to go to your favorite drive-thru for breakfast and I still found you sexy.”

Chaeyoung blushed and shook her head lightly. “No.”

“Also,” Lisa began as the elevator came to a stop. “Sweatpants are easier to take off.” Chaeyoung punched Lisa in the arm just as the elevator doors slid open. Lisa laughed and moved to step off the elevator but froze when she saw a familiar face a few feet down the hall. “Are you kidding me?” She huffed as she stepped off the elevator.

“What’s wrong?” Chaeyoung looked down the hall and back at Lisa.

“See that man talking to Doctor Choi?” Lisa asked. “That’s my father.”

“Oh.” Chaeyoung made a ‘yikes’ face. “Are you going to talk to him?”

Lisa sighed. “The faster I do, the faster he leaves. The only upside is that he’s less aggravating than my mother.”

Choi Seung-hyun turned his head and spotted Lisa. “Doctor Manoban,” he smiled. “Your father was just telling me about a few of his best surgeries.”

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