Chapter 9

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Two days later…

Chaeyoung saw Lisa entering the ER and quickly grabbed the closest person to her, forcing them to stand in front of her so she wouldn’t be in Lisa’s line of sight.

Yunhyeong stood confused for several seconds before speaking. “What are we doing?” He whispered.

Chaeyoung peeked over Yunhyeong’s shoulder and saw that Lisa had been stopped by Jihyo, one of the nurses. She frowned as Jihyo laughed at something Lisa said and she could see the obvious signs of the nurse flirting with the surgeon. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and decided to get out of dodge before Lisa noticed her.

“Doctor Park, I have to deliver these x-rays to Doctor Kim,” Yunhyeong said.

Chaeyoung pulled the file from Yunhyeong’s hand. “I’ll do it. It’s slow today. I could use the busy work.”

Lisa spotted Chaeyoung leaving the ER and smiled politely at Jihyo. “Sorry, I need to speak to Doctor Park. We’ll talk later.”

“Yeah, of course,” Jihyo said before the doctor walked away.

Minhyuk moved to stand beside Jihyo with a knowing grin on his face. “Not happening.”

Jihyo looked at him innocently. “What are you talking about?”

“Doctor Manoban is off limits,” Minhyuk explained. “A friend of mine is interested.”

Jihyo grinned. “Well that friend of yours better hurry up.”

“Chaeyoung,” Lisa called to the blonde as she neared her. “May I have a word, please?”

“I have to get these files to Jisoo,” Chaeyoung replied without looking at the cardiothoracic surgeon.

Lisa rolled her eyes and gently caught the trauma surgeon by her upper arm, forcing her to turn around. “Can we just talk about what happened? You can’t just-.” Lisa’s phone beeped and she sighed as she pulled it out of her pocket. “I have to go but we’re talking about this later.”

“I’ve got a busy day- traumas left and right.”

Lisa smirked. “You’re a horrible liar,” she said before rushing down the hall to get to where she needed to be.

Later that day, Lisa approached Seulgi, who was waiting to buy a cup of coffee in the cafeteria line. “Kang, can I use your phone?”

Seulgi reached into her pocket and pulled out the phone. “Yeah, sure.” Lisa quickly typed out a message before handing it back to Seulgi. “Thanks.” Seulgi watched Lisa walk away and shook her head. She didn’t know what was going on between Chaeyoung and Lisa, but she knew the two were avoiding each other right now.

Lisa made her way to an empty room and leaned against the wall. She was waiting for several minutes before the door opened and Chaeyoung entered. “You’ve been avoiding me.”

Chaeyoung turned to face the blonde. “Lisa-,”

“We kissed,” Lisa said. “We kissed and it was nice. I mean, I enjoyed it. Obviously you didn’t because you’ve been going to great lengths to avoid me.”

“Look,” Chaeyoung sighed. “I did like the kiss but it shouldn’t have happened. I don’t want to give off mixed signals. I enjoy being around you, Lisa. I want to continue to be your friend if that’s what you still want.”

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