Chapter 16

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Chaeyoung looked herself over in the bathroom mirror one more time, admiring the way she looked in her red dress. It hugged her just right and she was sure Lisa would love it on her. She moved her hair behind her shoulders with a flick of her wrist and contemplated whether she should wear it up but decided to leave it as it was. She reentered her room and grabbed her black clutch purse, which matched her high heel shoes before going out into the living room where her roommates were watching a movie.

Seulgi paused the movie when she saw Chaeyoung. "You look amazing!"

"You're definitely going to be turning some heads tonight, Park," Jisoo added.

"But I'm only interested in having one person’s attention tonight," Chaeyoung replied with a smirk.

"She'll definitely be looking," Jisoo assured her.

Chaeyoung smiled, pleased that her friends approved of her outfit for the night. "Thanks, guys. Don't wait up."

Jisoo laughed. "Plan on getting laid, Park?"

Chaeyoung simply smirked before waving bye to her friends. Once she was out in the hall, she took a deep breath before knocking on Lisa's apartment door. She heard some shuffling and moments later the door opened, revealing Lisa in a form fitting black dress.

"You look gorgeous, Chaeyoung." Lisa didn't bother trying to hide that she was checking the other woman out.

Chaeyoung smiled. "Thank you. You look pretty stunning yourself."

Lisa placed a kiss on Chaeyoung's lips. "Thanks." Chaeyoung caught Lisa before she fully pulled away and kissed her again.

"Am I about to get a show?"

Chaeyoung was startled by the third voice in the apartment and pulled away from Lisa to look around. She spotted Lisa's laptop sitting in the living room facing them and saw Jennie on the screen. "Please don't stop on my account."

Lisa placed an apologetic kiss on Chaeyoung's cheek. "Sorry, I forgot I was talking to her."

"Ouch," Jennie feigned offense. "You forget about me that easily?

Lisa grinned. "You do see her, right?"

Jennie rolled her eyes. "At least try to make it to dinner before you two rip each other's clothes off. Have fun." Jennie ended the Skype call and Lisa shook her head in amusement.

"Ready to be wined and dined, Chaeyoung?"

Chaeyoung smirked. "Not quite yet." She moved closer to Lisa and captured her lips for a kiss. She nipped at Lisa's bottom lip and pushed her hips against the other blonde's as she continued to kiss her teasingly. She ran her hands up Lisa's inner thigh as her tongue entered the woman's mouth. Lisa let out a satisfied moan urging Chaeyoung on but instead, she felt a light pinch on her thigh and Chaeyoung bit her lower lip again before pulling away. "Now I'm ready," she breathed out. "Lead the way."

Lisa stood shocked for a moment before getting herself under control. "That was just downright mean," she breathed out. She tried to kiss Chaeyoung again but the blonde turned her head so she'd get her cheek instead.

"You made reservations," Chaeyoung reminded her. "We should go."

Lisa moved her lips to Chaeyoung's ear. "I want you." She caught Chaeyoung's earlobe between her teeth and nipped at it gently. "I'll be quick," she promised before trailing kisses down Chaeyoung's neck.

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