Chapter 8

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Days had passed and Chaeyoung hadn't spent much time with Lisa outside of the hospital. The trauma surgeon wanted to invite her fellow doctor over for a movie night or something equally as laidback but for some reason she wasn't sure how to approach her about it. She thought it was stupid to be this nervous about it but she wrote it off as her just being weird.

"Earth to Chaeyoung." Minhyuk waved his hand in front of her face as she leaned against the front desk lost in thought.

Chaeyoung shook her head, snapping back to reality. "What?"

Minhyuk smirked. "Thinking about a certain doctor?"

Chaeyoung scoffed. "No, shut up."

Minhyuk sighed. "Just ask her out. You already know she'll say yes."

"I don't want to go out with Lisa... or anyone. How many times do I have to say it?" Chaeyoung picked up a clipboard from the desk and began to scan over it.

Minhyuk took the clipboard from her and set it back down. "You like her."

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. "As a friend. I can use friends. I don't need a girlfriend and I don't need everyone telling me how I feel."

Minhyuk laughed. "Denial. It's the first stage."

Seulgi walked into the ER and looked from Minhyuk to Chaeyoung. "Have either of you heard from Doctor Manoban? She's not responding to my messages or phone calls and I haven't done anything to piss her off yet. She’s only twenty minutes late but even that’s a lot for her."

Chaeyoung frowned and pulled her cell phone out of her pocket without a word. She had left her apartment before Lisa so she hadn't seen her but it wasn't like her to be late.

Chaeyoung[8:50am]: Everything okay? You’re never late.

Chaeyoung looked back up at Seulgi. "I'll tell you if I hear back from her."

"I guess I'll just have to push her surgeries back," Seulgi sighed. "I hope she's okay. This isn't like her."

“I’m sure she’s fine,” Chaeyoung said, sounding more confident than she felt. “Give her another half hour. If she doesn’t show, I’ll send an intern to her apartment.”

Chaeyoung and Minhyuk’s cellphones beeped and they quickly read the alert. “We need to head to the ambulance bay. They’re going to be coming in real heavy,” Minhyuk announced.

Chaeyoung looked at the nurses in the ER. “Page all available surgeons and get this ER clear. Discharge the patients that are okay to leave. Get more gurneys, beds and crash carts down here now. Let’s save lives, people.”

While the nurses got to work, Chaeyoung and Minhyuk rushed out to the ambulance bay donning gloves and surgical gowns. “Not a great day for Lisa to be a no-show,” Minhyuk said.

“I’m sure she has a reason,” Chaeyoung replied.

Seulgi, Jisoo, Dara, Si-won and Ho-Seok rushed out to the ambulance bay, ready for whatever was coming. “Do we know what’s going on?” Jisoo asked as she pulled gloves on.

“Not yet,” Minhyuk answered. “Hey, have any of you heard from Manoban?”

Dara furrowed her brows. “A nurse told me she called a little over half an hour ago. Said she was stuck in traffic. She must still be on her way.”

An ambulance pulled up and the backdoors were quickly pushed open and an EMT jumped out. “Sixteen-year old female. Severe brain trauma, lacerations to her face and neck, possible internal hemorrhaging,” the woman rushed out as she helped her partner unload the gurney.

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