Chapter 18

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Two weeks later...

Chaeyoung was lying in Lisa's bed with a bed sheet being the only thing keeping her decent. "Your parents' gala is tonight," she said as Lisa laid beside her, catching her breath.

"I'm not going," Lisa breathed out. She wiped a hand over her sweaty forehead. "Damn, that was amazing. I mean, it's amazing all the time but... fuck, you really outdid yourself, Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung rolled over onto her side and kissed Lisa on the corner of her lips. "So I was thinking we could go to the gala together."

Lisa ignored Chaeyoung's words and moved to get out of bed. "We should get ready for work."

Chaeyoung discarded the bed sheet as she quickly moved to straddle Lisa so she couldn't escape. "Listen."

Lisa's eyes trailed Chaeyoung's naked form. "I can't do much of that with you naked on top of me."

Chaeyoung pressed herself against Lisa's stomach. "We can go another round before work if you cooperate."

Lisa trailed her hands up Chaeyoung's thighs. "Or we could just go another around regardless." A thought hit Lisa and she narrowed her eyes at the blonde. "Did we have mind-blowing sex because you thought I'd be more compliant after?"

Chaeyoung smirked. "Yes."

Lisa scoffed. "I feel used. You're a horrible person. And I'm offended you think I'm that easy."

"Just hear me out, please," Chaeyoung continued.

Lisa sighed. "Fine... but after-,"

Chaeyoung frowned. "After wh-," she was flipped onto her back and Lisa was hovering over her before she could get her words out. The other blonde's lips were on her own and she moaned as Lisa slipped a thigh between her legs. "Wait, not like this." She pushed at the woman's hips and guided her so that she was between her legs before pulling her down so that their centers were aligned.

Lisa bent down and nipped at Chaeyoung's bottom lip as she moved against her. "Fuck, Chaeng," she moaned as the other woman matched her thrusts. After a few minutes, Chaeyoung moved her hands down to Lisa's ass and pushed her harder against her. "Go faster.”

"Not yet," Lisa said, enjoying their pace just the way it was."Lisa," Chaeyoung whined. "I need you to go faster." Chaeyoung could feel herself teetering on the edge of orgasm; she just needed Lisa to take her over.

Lisa moved her lips to Chaeyoung's ear as she slowed down even more. "I could stop. Do you want that?" Chaeyoung shook her head frantically. "Then we go slow." Lisa pressed harder into Chaeyoung as she slid her center teasingly slow against hers.

Chaeyoung let out a strangled cry of pleasure at the action. "Lisa."

Lisa sucked her bottom lip between her teeth as she watched Chaeyoung's facial expressions change as she pleasured her. She was mesmerized by the blonde's beauty.

Chaeyoung's nails dug into Lisa's shoulders as she continued being teased by the other blonde. Lisa could feel her own orgasm approaching but she wasn't ready to be brought over the edge yet. She stilled her movements and Chaeyoung groaned in frustration.

Lisa moved up so that she was straddling Chaeyoung. She chuckled as Chaeyoung glared at her. She ran a hand through her hair and winked at her fellow doctor.

"I hate you," Chaeyoung said, breathlessly.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of you," Lisa promised. "It'll just take some time."

Chaeyoung huffed. "Lisa, make me come," she ordered.

Lisa grinned at the demand. "Or what?"

Chaeyoung moved her hand between Lisa's legs and pressed her thumb into her. Lisa gasped at the sudden pressure and moved her hand around Chaeyoung's wrist with the intention of pulling her hand away, but then Chaeyoung entered her with two fingers and Lisa released her grip, placing her hand on the bed in order to keep herself upright. "Ohmygod," she rushed out as her head fell back.

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