Chapter 7

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Jisoo quirked a brow at Chaeyoung as they sat side-by-side on a gurney in an empty hallway. "You're actually letting her join you?"

"I thought about telling her I didn't want her to come but I think I might actually enjoy company."

Jisoo smirked, knowingly. "Or do you mean her company specifically?"

Chaeyoung nudged Jisoo's shoulder with her own. "Okay yes, but not in the way that you are thinking. I actually don't mind her as a friend."

Jisoo chuckled and shook her head. "Just a friend?"

"Yes, Jisoo," Chaeyoung insisted. "Just a friend. You know I'm not looking for anything else."

Jisoo rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated breath. "Why not? She keeps you on your toes. She's perfect for you."

"First of all, we'd drive each other crazy - we're both too headstrong to last in a relationship. Second of all, I want to remain single. If I do decide to be with anyone, I'd want it to be a casual thing. I'm incapable of love."

The ortho surgeon groaned. "Chaeyoung, you are not incapable of love."

"I'm in my late twenties and I've never been in love. I was with Jungkook for two years and I never felt more than a strong liking for him. I should've never wasted either of our time. If I had broken things off sooner, then maybe-,"

"Stop," Jisoo said, gently, placing a hand on top of Chaeyoung's. "That car accident wasn't your fault."

Chaeyoung sighed. "I just wish I could go back and do things over. He deserved better."

"You could fall in love one day," Jisoo assured her. "You just have to put yourself back out there."

"I've hurt everyone I have ever been with," Chaeyoung stated. "I can't keep doing that."

Seulgi approached the gurney and hopped onto it. "Hey, bitches. What are we talking about?"

"The love life that I don't want," Chaeyoung answered, miserably. "What's wrong with wanting to be single?"

"Nothing," Seulgi assured her. "Except you and Lisa have ridiculous chemistry. I mean, the sexual tension is-,"

"No," Chaeyoung cut her off. "There is no sexual tension."

Seulgi grinned. "Okay, no tension of the sexual variety."

"Aren't you the least bit curious about how Lisa would be in bed, though?" Jisoo asked.

"She's most definitely a top," Seulgi added. "Two tops could be fun."

Chaeyoung found herself thinking about it for a moment but then shook the thought from her head. "I don't care if Lisa's a top or bottom. It's not happening."

"Top, but I can be versatile."

The doctors on the gurney froze at the sound of the new voice. Chaeyoung reluctantly turned her head to look at Lisa. "Doctor Manoban," she greeted as coolly as she could.

Lisa grinned. "I need a consult, Doctor Park."

"Could've paged me," Chaeyoung stated. "Or even texted." She held up her new work issued smart phone - the hospital was becoming more high-tech and phasing pagers out. "Either of those ways would've prevented this very awkward moment," she added, sheepishly.

"But then I would've had to wait longer to see you," Lisa pointed out. "So neither of those options suited me."

Chaeyoung excused herself and got up from the gurney. "What do you need?"

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