Chapter 14

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Lisa was sitting in her living room Saturday afternoon looking at the one unmarked box that was left for her to unpack. She took a sip of her coffee and after a few minutes, she finally stood up. She was about to make her way over to the box when there was a knock at her door.  She opened the door without looking through the peephole and smiled when she saw Chaeyoung. “Hey, you.”

“Hey, are you ready?”

“Yeah, let me just grab my phone.” Lisa turned to head to her room and Chaeyoung entered the apartment, surprised by how different it looked from three days ago. The kitchen was fully decorated as well as the living room. There was even a TV now.

“You’ve been busy,” Chaeyoung said as she looked around.

Lisa stepped out of her room. “Yeah, I did it this morning. The TV is Jennie’s doing. She dropped it off with a DVD player the other day. According to her, I need stop living like a Neanderthal.”

“A TV has its uses,” Chaeyoung assured her.

Lisa smirked. “Like allowing me to cuddle with a hot trauma surgeon while a horrible movie plays in the background?”

“Or even make-out,” Chaeyoung added. “The possibilities are endless,” she winked. Chaeyoung spotted a box in the corner of the living room and gestured to it. “You forgot a box. I can help you unpack it real quick.”

Lisa waved it off. “I’ll worry about that one later. We should go before Seulgi and Jisoo assume we’re having sex.”

Chaeyoung laughed. “That is something they would do.” The two exited the apartment just as Seulgi and Jisoo were walking out. “We’re ready.”

Once outside, Chaeyoung got into the driver’s seat and Seulgi quickly got into the passenger’s seat so Lisa wouldn’t be able to. Chaeyoung eyed her friends, who looked at her innocently. Lisa got into the backseat with Jisoo and knew from the grin she received from the brunette that it would be an interesting half hour drive to the Park residence.

Dara and Jim laughed as Jisoo retold a story from Chaeyoung’s first year as an intern. “That’s not what happened,” Chaeyoung stated. “You totally put your own spin on that.”

"Enough stories about me," Chaeyoung said before taking a sip of her drink.

"I just have one more," Jisoo promised.

"That's what you said before your last exaggerated tale about me," Chaeyoung reminded her.

Jim shook his head in amusement at Jisoo's antics. "If I remember correctly, as an intern you told a patient to deal with you being his doctor or you'd change his charts so when he woke up from surgery he'd be missing one of his man parts."

"Chaeyoung told you that story? That guy was such a jerk. He wanted a male doctor. He wouldn't even let me put his IV in without being a misogynistic prick."

"You've come a long way from threatening patients," Dara stated. "There were a handful of times where I thought you'd get fired just because you didn't have a filter."

Chaeyoung laughed. "She has greatly improved."

“Hey, I just don’t put up with idiots,” Jisoo stated.

“Speaking of putting up with idiots,” Dara began. “Chaeyoung, when’s the last time you’ve been on a date?”

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. “That was not a leeway into talking about my personal life.”

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