Chapter 22

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Jisoo and Seulgi were sitting in the cafeteria as they not so subtly watched Lisa and Sana a few tables away.

"She seems nice enough," Seulgi replied as she picked at her food.

Jisoo scoffed. "I don't care how nice she seems. She better not make any moves on Lisa.” She watched as Sana smiled at something Lisa had said. “Do you think she’s plotting to win Lisa back?”

Seulgi watched Lisa interacting with her ex for a moment before responding. “I think she knows that door has closed. She just wants her friend back.”

“That better be all she wants,” Jisoo said. “Chaeyoung’s finally happy in a relationship. I don’t want anything ruining that.”

“Lisa is all about Chaeyoung,” Seulgi pointed out. “Even if Sana wanted to get back with her, she’s not interested.” Seulgi saw Lisa look at her phone and say something to Sana as she stood up. Sana nodded her understanding and Lisa hurried out of the cafeteria. “Should we go introduce ourselves?”

Jisoo shook her head. “That’d be weird. What would we say? ‘Hey, our best friend is banging your ex. Nice to meet you?’ It’ll be awkward.”

“Well yeah, if you say that,” Seulgi said. “She’s leaving anyway. I’m sure we’ll meet her at some point.”

Sana exited the cafeteria and made her way to the elevator. When the doors slid open, she stepped on and pressed the button for the floor she wanted to be on. As the doors began to close, someone quickly slipped on and let out a breath.

Chaeyoung turned her head to look at who she had gotten onto the elevator with and her eyes widened slightly at the sight of Sana.

“Sorry,” Sana said as Chaeyoung stared at her like a deer caught in headlights. “I can catch the next one.”

Chaeyoung came to her senses as Sana moved to get off. “No, stay. Please. Um…yeah, this is totally fine.”

Sana bit her bottom lip as she stood silently on the other side of the elevator. Just as they reached her floor, she quickly spoke. “I love Lisa.”

Chaeyoung stood up straighter and braced herself for this conversation she didn’t want to have. “So do I.”

“I know… and I’m not here to cause any problems between you two. She’s told me a lot about you. You make her really happy and that’s all that matters to me.” Sana stepped off the elevator but turned around when she heard Chaeyoung speaking to her.

“I hope you plan on keeping in touch with Lisa.” Chaeyoung had stepped off the elevator as well. “Her social life could use some work is all.”

Sana smiled sincerely. “Thank you.”

Chaeyoung returned the smile before heading down the hall to the ER. She was glad that had gone a lot smoother than she had expected it to. As she neared the ER, she saw Lisa’s mother enter the hospital. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and reluctantly approached the woman. “Doctor Manoban, this is a surprise. Lisa’s in a long surgery. Actually, she’ll probably be busy for the rest of the year.”

Ava forced a smile. “I hope you make a better doctor than you do a comedian. And I’m not here to see Priya. I’m here to speak to you.”

“As honored as I am for the visit, I’ve got work to do,” Chaeyoung replied.

“This won’t take long,” Ava assured her. “May we speak in private?” Chaeyoung held in her sigh and gestured to a secluded corner. Once away from prying eyes, Ava pulled a folded paper out of her pocket and held it out to Chaeyoung.

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