Chapter 27

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Lisa approached the cafeteria table where Chaeyoung, Seulgi and Jisoo were sitting but as soon as they noticed her, they stopped talking. Lisa grinned, knowingly as she sat down beside Chaeyoung. “Discussing my surprise birthday party?”

Chaeyoung shook her head. “Not much of a surprise anymore since you figured it out.”

“Then you can give me details about it so I know what to expect,” Lisa said.

“Like I said, it’s low-key. You’ll enjoy yourself,” Chaeyoung assured her. “And if not, Seulgi will definitely enjoy herself,” she stated with a smirk, earning a confused look from the younger woman. “Lisa’s friend, Joo-hyun,” Chaeyoung clarified. “She’ll be at the party. I think you’ll like her. Lisa agrees.”

Seulgi sat up straighter in her chair. She knew Chaeyoung wouldn’t steer her wrong. “I’m up for meeting someone new.”

Chaeyoung smiled, pleased with the answer. She turned her attention to Jisoo but before she could speak, Jisoo shook her head. “Don’t try setting me up with anyone. Ho-seok was a disaster.”

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t the one who sent him your way. That was Minhyuk. And speaking of Minhyuk…”

“Don’t finish that sentence,” Jisoo cut her off.

Seulgi smirked at Jisoo’s scowl. “You two have a thing.”

“We do not. That thing was like two years ago and it was just… fun.”

Chaeyoung shrugged. “I don’t know, Jisoo. You two get along pretty well.”

“That doesn’t mean I want a relationship with him,” Jisoo grumbled. “Why the sudden interest in our personal lives anyway?”

Chaeyoung smiled, brightly. “Well, you two tried playing cupid with me all the time and now I’m returning the favor.”

“Because you’re disgustingly happy now and want to spread the joy?” Jisoo asked, amused.

Chaeyoung nodded firmly. “Yes.”

Jisoo scoffed. “I miss your single days.”

Seulgi reached out to playfully hit Jisoo on her arm. “Ignore her,” she said to Chaeyoung.

“Look, I’ve been kind of seeing someone,” Jisoo admitted. “It’s been… nice. I haven’t said anything because we both agreed we should just wait to see how serious we are.”

“Do we know them?” Chaeyoung asked. “How long have you been dating? I’m offended I’m just now hearing about this.”

“Same,” Seulgi huffed. “Who is it?”

Jisoo’s pager went off and she looked overjoyed at the sound. “Thank god,” she said before leaving the table.

Lisa shook her head in amusement before looking at her watch. “We have a surgery to get to, Kang.” Lisa looked over at Chaeyoung. “I’m going to come find you later. I want to talk to you about something.”

Chaeyoung furrowed her brows. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, I just wanted to run something by you.” Lisa kissed Chaeyoung on the cheek before getting up.

“Later, Chaeng,” Seulgi said. “See you tonight.”

Chaeyoung spent the rest of her lunch, wondering what Lisa could want to talk to her about—only drawing her thoughts away from it when she was paged to the ER.

Lisa and Chaeyoung were in an on-call room, both naked and in bed while Lisa moved against Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung dug her nails into Lisa’s shoulders as she tried to stay quiet. Short, quick gasps were escaping Lisa as she neared her orgasm and when she finally reached her peak, Chaeyoung was right behind her.

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