Chapter 12

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Chaeyoung walked into the ER and moved to stand beside Minhyuk. “Why does rain make people forget how to drive? I’ll be so irritated if my third trauma in less than two hours is another car accident.”

Minhyuk smirked as he continued to look over a patient’s chart. “To be fair, it’s also thundering and windy.” He looked up from the chart to ask Chaeyoung a question. “How are you and Lisa?”

Chaeyoung sighed. “She’s avoiding me.”

Minhyuk quirked a brow. “Really? Because I saw her talking to you this morning.”

“About work stuff,” Chaeyoung explained. “She doesn’t talk to me about… Lisa stuff. And if anybody should be giving the silent treatment, it’s me. She’s the one who ruined what we had going.”

“And what did you have going?” Minhyuk asked.

“A great friendship.”

“Filled with benefits.”

“What?” Chaeyoung frowned. “There were no benefits.”

“Really? Because Seulgi said that you two-,”

“Okay, shut up,” Chaeyoung cut him off. “That was one time. We just needed to get it out of our systems.”

Minhyuk grinned. “And did you do that? Because from what I’ve been witnessing, you’re ready to drop your pants whenever Lisa’s in a room.”

Chaeyoung reached out and punched Minhyuk in the side. “That’s not true.”

“Okay, let’s test that theory out,” Minhyuk said as he watched Lisa walk into the ER. Minhyuk’s phone beeped and he quickly looked at it. “We’ll finish this conversation later.”

“No, we won’t,” Chaeyoung called to him as he rushed out of the ER. She looked over at Lisa, who was now talking to Yunhyeong, and contemplated making her way over to the fellow surgeon to see if she could get some sort of conversation out of her but before she could make a move, Seulgi was beside her.

“Just talk to her.”

“I was thinking about it,” Chaeyoung replied. “I don’t even know what to say.”

“Maybe start with ‘my body is ready; my mind just needs time to catch up’ and see where that leads you.”

“Seulgi,” Chaeyoung began.

“I’m being serious,” Seulgi said. “I need you to sleep with her or at least be friends again. Grumpy Lisa is not fun to have as an attending.”

Chaeyoung spotted a man enter the ER carrying a little boy. He had a garden rake vertically penetrating the left side of his body from his chest down to his stomach. The handle had been sawed off to make it easier to transport the boy. Both were soaked from the rain. “What happened,” Chaeyoung asked as she rushed towards them.

“I thought he was inside,” the man said, frantically. “I looked out the window and saw him jumping on his trampoline. He bounced wrong, flew off and landed onto the rake.” Seulgi rolled a gurney over and the man placed his son down onto it. “I would’ve called an ambulance but with the weather and traffic, I figured it’d be faster if I drove him. Is he going to be okay?”

“What’s his name?” Chaeyoung asked as she pulled gloves on.

“Do-won,” the man answered. “You can help him, right?”

A nurse approached the man and placed a hand on his back. “Sir, I’m going to need some information and then we can get you out of these wet clothes. The doctors will help your son.”

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