Always You (Ghoul!Blyke x Ghoul!Isen)

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A Tokyo Ghoul AU no one asked for but I felt the need to provide.

Isen teeters on the line of becoming a binge eater but with Blyke in the equation, his constant need of spilling blood and unnecessarily stuffing himself with human flesh is sedated, to a certain point. It's a constant source of conflict, a never ending headache if you will because while he does comply to Blyke's wishes, Isen ensures to complain about the matter in hopes that he'd annoy Blyke enough into giving him permission. While it surely gets on his nerves, Isen's incessant complaints and whining about starving—Blyke knows he isn't, that excuse never works—and the coming of his impending doom are something he was used to. Years of experience had increased his tolerance to Isen's tactics, much to the latter's irritation.

"Come on, Blyke!" Isen whines as he drapes his arms around the shorter male whose arms remained folded over his chest, expression stern as he ignores him. "You're such a bore, come on, live a little!" Isen insists as he rests his chin on top of his shoulder, a soft huff leaving his lips as he stares at Blyke.

With a long, suffering sigh, Blyke attempts to pry Isen off him but the latter only tightens his grip on him, refusing to budge from their position. Blyke sighs again and pinches the bridge of his nose as he glances at Isen who immediately perks up, eyes fixed on his gaze like a puppy waiting for a treat. It was cute, but the fact that he has been pestering him for god knows how long, immediately knocks back the 'cute' points. Blyke purses his lips and in the most unsympathetic and deadpan voice he could muster, he responds, "You can't enjoy life if your a corpse. We've been through this multiple times!"

Isen huffs his cheeks in response and silence descends on them. It passes quickly, not even a moment later Blyke's stomach growls and Isen's gaze snaps back to him. The light and playful aura that surrounded him diminishes, stifled by a more darker and sinister aura of seriousness that Blyke can feel his skin tingle just by looking at him. He tries to utter a word but Isen quickly pins him to the couch, straddling his waist while both hands grip his shoulder with such strength that it almost hurt. Blyke's attempts to speak again but Isen beats him to the punch, eyes narrowed at him, gaze sharp and teeth bared.

"When was the last time you ate?" While his tone remained soft and mellow, it doesn't escape Blyke's attention how there is an edge to his voice. He stares at him expectantly but Blyke only turns his head away, and Isen frowns. "Blyke, I'm serious, tell me when was the last time you ate." It was a demand, not a question, Blyke could tell as much from the way his voice hardens and the way his fingers are digging into the fabric of his clothes.

"Almost two months ago." He winces when he feels Isen's fingers dig into his shoulder, he doesn't dare meet his gaze, he could feel it's intensity without looking. The silence that settles over them is cold, colder than the frigid temperatures winter, it suffocates him. Slowly, Isen removes himself from Blyke. He stands and towers over him for a moment, lingering by his side before he turns heel and makes his way to the door. "Isen?" Blyke calls out as he sits up, warily watching the amber-haired male.

"I'm going hunting." He flatly responds as he reaches for the doorknob.

"We've talked about this." Isen stops and turns to him, lips pulled to a grim line as he levels him with a stern gaze.

"I'm not doing this for myself." He states, shoving his hands in the pockets of his parka, "I'm doing it for my stubborn and idiotic partner, who I'm surprised, hasn't tried to cannibalize me yet because of his hunger." He pointedly adds.

"I can do it myself." Isen shakes his head, scoffing at him.

"You've grown soft, I'm guessing it's because of your human friends..." He trails off but his gaze remains unwavering as he stares at Blyke, "I hope you remember that there is a divide between us and them. So when it does come to a matter of choice, I'll know you'll choose us over them." Blyke remains quiet, and Isen turns his back on him and leaves.


Isen returns a few hours later carrying a medium-sized cooler, and finds Blyke curled in the couch, a blanket draped around him and unfinished coffee left on the coffee table. Isen places the cooler on the kitchen bench before he makes his way to Blyke, gently propping himself next to him. He couldn't help the fond smile on his lips as he leans down and places a kiss on top of his forehead. Blyke stirs, his eyes fluttering open and focus in on him, Isen smiles again and presses another kiss on top of his nose, chuckling softly when Blyke when he wrinkles it and push his face away.

"You should eat. Honestly, I'm surprised you managed to hold out on yourself like this." Isen grumbles as he stands. He takes one of Blyke's hand into his and tugs at it gently, the redhead takes the hint and drags himself off the couch. He can smell it in the air, the smell of fresh blood, of fresh human meat and his mouth waters at the thought of sinking his teeth into that tender muscle and rip it away from the bone. Isen can hear his ragged breathing and chuckles, "hurry up so you can dig in."

Before he knows it, Blyke slipped from his grasp and rushed towards the kitchen bench, stopping in front of the cooler before none too gently ripping its lid off. Eagerly, Blyke picks up the dismembered hand and stuffs it in his mouth, devouring it without any second thoughts. After devouring the hand, Blyke scoops up the heart along with the eyeballs, stuffing them inside his mouth. Once he has eaten his fill, Blyke wipes the blood off his face before glancing at Isen who was on the opposite side of the counter, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Full already?" He teases, a grin splitting his lips as he props his elbows on the counter. Blyke rolls his eyes and pushes the cooler off one side, without a warning, Blyke grabs Isen by the collar of his shirt. He presses his lips against his, the kiss was slow and chaste, their lips melding into each other. Blyke pulls away and lets him go, cheeks flushed.

"You know I'll always choose us." He pauses and steals a glance at Isen's bewildered expression, savouring it, "And I'll always choose you."

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