For the Best (Remi x Arlo)

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"Come on!" Remi laughs as she tugs a rather annoyed looking Arlo towards the dwindling line of people in front of the ferris wheel. Despite his annoyance, however, he could not help the small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. The sun behind them was setting on the horizon, sinking behind the skyscrapers that casts shadows upon the streets. The summer breeze swishes her hair back and forth, but Remi remains smiling as she battles the breeze by tucking loose strands of pink hair behind her ear. He couldn't help but marvel at the sight of her.

She was always so full of life, Arlo admired that about her. The way she squares her shoulder and raises her chin up even when she's losing hope and the odds are against her. She was foolish, he knew that and yet he admired her all the same. His smiles, small yet genuine and fond were only for her to see. The softness he nestles behind intimidating glares and pursed lips were saved only for her. They were alone now, shoulders brushing against each other and their hands tangled together with his thumb gently rubbing circles on the back of her palm. Silence settles over them, comfortable and peaceful as they basked in the warmth of summer. The skies, once blue in colour melds with golden yellow and warm orange hues.

"Hey Arlo..." Her voice trails off for a moment, sounding rather distracted as her eyes fixate on the view, "Do you believe in reincarnation?"

To say he was rather taken aback would be an understatement. Glancing at her, Arlo firmly squeezes her hand, "Is this about Rei?" He asks, voice gentle as he breeches the subject softly to her. He feels her tense for a moment before eventually her stiffness falls away to that of hopelessness.

"He deserved better than to die this young, he was going to change the world and..." She leans her head against his shoulder, "I just wished he was still here." She lapses into silence for a moment before she bounces back, frustration and a smudge of anger in her tone as she spoke.

"And the authorities are useless, it's been weeks and yet they found no lead at all!" She exclaims, her grip tightening around his hand as the words escaped her lips.

"Remi." She pauses and sighs deeply, the tears roll down her cheeks and she vigorously wipes them away with her hand. "I know your frustrated, but this isn't an easy case. I'm sure they're doing their best." He releases his hold on her hand and he circles his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to him.

That should have been his first warning.


"What were you thinking!" He exclaimed, hands shaking, his voice thick with emotion as he glares down at the pinkette tucked under her blanket. The blood stains and burns glares at him, dread muddled with anger boils his blood and churns his stomach as he studies her battered form. He grits his teeth, as soon as Elaine called and informed him of the situation, he had rushed to her dormitory, anger flaring.

"They weren't going to do anything Arlo! Do you expect me to just leave Rei's death devoid of justice? They're consorting with–"

"Are you hearing yourself, Remi? Consorting–" He pinches the bridge of his nose, "You're making up conspiracy theories to justify your actions of going after someone who had killed countless of high tiers!" He paces back and forth, a hand running anxiously through locks of messy blond hair. Arlo attempts to take deep breaths but that barely assuaged his growing dread and anxiety.

"Not only did you put yourself in danger, you put your friends in danger! You could have died, Remi–"

"But I didn't." She insists, "But we didn't. Now that we know what we're up against then we could prepare." Arlo stopped pacing, instead he turns to fully face her and level her with a stern gaze.

"You're not going anywhere. I will be informing the headmaster about this, do you think I'm letting you pull a stupid stunt like this again?" He hisses.

"You wouldn't dare." She whispers softly, her fingers clutching the blankets tightly. Her gaze was no longer fixed on him, instead, Remi stares at her own hands, her lips drawn to a taut line.

"Or what?" Without missing a beat, Remi glances up to him, her resolved firm and unchangeable. "Then we're over." She softly but firmly replies.

Arlo stares at her, shoulder tense and his fists curling and unfurling as he processes her words. Pathetic, he tells himself as he forces his shoulder to relax, if this was the price of making sure she's safe, then...

"Fine." He states, "I'd rather have you hate me than go running around the street and risking your life like Rei did."

"He fought for what he thought was right." Remi vehemently defends, her fingers gripping the fabric beneath her fingers tightly till her knuckles turned white.

"And look where he is now." The words are out of his lips before he could clamp his mouth shut. A low blow, he knew that. He notes the sharp breath Remi draws and the way her shoulders tense at his words. Tears are pricking the corners of her eyes and he watches the each drop roll down her cheeks and fall on the blanket.

"I think you should leave." Her voice shakes with every word, each caught between the sobs she attempts to smother in the back of her throat. Arlo wanted to comfort her, hold her hand and wipe her tears away. The tears he had caused. When she notes he made no move to leave, Remi turns to him. "Now." Her words are punctuated by a burning anger in her eyes as she spoke. Arlo heaves in a breath before making his way to the door. Stealing one last glance at her, he closes the door behind him.

This was for the best.

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