Bask in Shattered Glass [John]

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There is beauty in being in the centre of the chaos where the fires burn harsh and bright against the haze of smoke and veil of darkness. To bask in shattered glass and stand still as the cities crumble, marvelling at the wonder that is destruction and death and carnage. There is triumph and grace and power in watching the world burn and crumble yet remain indifferent, unafraid of this downfall. To feel only content and enjoyment, unabashed by feeling pride in the wake of impending doom. 

John burns his bridges for the same reason; to stand and bask in the beauty of carnage and betrayal that follows its wake. 

Perhaps he is the monster they thought him to be; the monster spoken only in whispers echoing in the hallways of his old school, reverberating in Claire’s sob-torn voice as she speaks, and etched in the eyes of the students he had brought to heel. Or perhaps not, he didn't care enough to reflect on it. He is unapologetic for the way he is. Calloused and cruel, an unapologetic asshole down to the letter whose enjoyment stems from the suffering of others. Like right now. 

The revelation of Seraphina’s loss of ability was something of a sight to behold. The news was like wildfire, spreading quicker than anyone could even imagine and blows out of proportion just as quick— it swallows everything whole. The anger, the hate, the indignant injustice bristling in the weak, broken spines now hardens and finds strength; those who have been wronged by the system has found themselves a human punching bag to channel their anger to. John watches, tilting his head to the side as he inspects the beatdown currently taking place with a mild touch of interest. He keeps himself pressed against the wall, out of their sight. 

“What exactly is the point of doing this?” Arlo asks, his hands curled into fists, as if he was itching to step in. The other boy, despite all his scheming and little manipulations, has little appetite for extreme violence. It amuses John how the blond has a particular threshold for how much violence is acceptable in a society where violence itself is perpetuated and even actively encouraged in order to establish one’s worth. “I was under the impression that you cared for her.”

John smirks, crossing his arms over his chest, he cocks his head to the side. “Are you worried for her? You can always step in, you know. I won’t stop you.” He pauses, pressing a finger to his lips as he meets his stern gaze. “Or are you waiting for orders from your king?” He could hear Arlo grinding his teeth together, could see the effort the blond is putting on to keep his temper under control. It was rather cute and hilarious. Seeing the former king bristle at being reminded of his fall from grace, brought to heel by the very person he had tried to manipulate. Too bad he was already adept at this game. 

“That wasn’t my question.” 

“And I’m not obligated to answer since you’re below me.” John immediately fires back, poking him on the chest. “You don’t get to demand anything from me, you should remember that.”

Arlo grits his teeth but bites his tongue, blue eyes boring holes into him before he moves, effectively cutting through the band of students with his presence alone. Amused, he watches as Arlo grabs hold of Seraphina’s wrist and pulls her away from the horde of angry students out for blood. John does not make an attempt to stop him, instead, he pushes himself off the wall and head the opposite direction. 

Things are once again becoming more fun.


shameless plug, a ficlet based on the one-shots "to ruin him" & "love & carnage".

it features the reader's backstory and why I'm going to hell, lmao.

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