it starts with a dance (arlaine)

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Falling in love is the last thing in Arlo's agenda. He has always been adamant about putting his career first and steadfast in his belief of how romantic relationships serve only as a hurdle, a distraction to his goal, to his future.

Until their paths crossed once more.

The smell of saltwater lingers in the air, the music blasting through the stereos merging with the animated, idle chatter buzzing with the beats of the songs. Arlo finds himself standing away from the crowd, the glass of mojito in his hand remaining untouched as he inspects the party-goers with disinterest. He eventually takes a prompt and short sip of the drink before he sets down the glass on one of the vacated table; he was never much a fan of cocktails anyways. He had only agreed to come to this after Holden relentlessly pestered him to coming until he caved to his request, the blond momentarily regrets the decision, knowing full well that he could have easily confined the blue-haired male within his barrier and forced him to his knees, yet Arlo did no such thing. He wonders if he secretly wanted to come, to wind down from the stress of essays and practical work to preparing for the final exams. He takes a deep breath, he could think of better ways to spend his weekends but he relents and lets Holden have this one, but promises to himself to avoid coming to such loud and boisterous event when he could honestly be sleeping.

"Arlo!" Breaking through the throngs of people, Elaine steps into the clear. Arlo's gaze drifts towards her and remains fixated at her form as she makes her way towards him, the gentle breeze billowing her hair behind her.

The years have been kind to Elaine. Despite his reluctance to admitting to it, he has always found her beautiful, even back when they were young and foolish, shouldering responsibilities that was perhaps too heavy for their shoulders then. Now in the wake of the setting sun, sunset caught in her turquoise hair and lush green eyes, between her long lashes, Arlo finds his breath knocked out of his lungs.

"Elaine." She was beautiful back then, but now⁠— Arlo couldn't tear his gaze away⁠— Elaine is breathtakingly stunning. Dressed in her honey-gold sundress which billows as the breeze picks up, tossing her skirt aside to one direction and generously revealing her smooth skin (although Arlo swears his eyes never left her face for a second⁠–), her turquoise hair cascades like waves pass her waist, and Arlo finds himself captivated by her charm. When she was within arm's length, Arlo reaches over and captures loose strands of turquoise hair between his fingertips and smiles. "It suits you."

Elaine's cheeks flushes at the compliment. Taken aback by his words, she steps back, the distance barely noticeable but comforting all the same. She combs her fingers mindlessly through her hair, soft, nervous laughter bubbling from her lips. Warmth blossoms in her chest and her cheeks burn a brighter red when her gaze drifts back to him and finds his gaze unwavering and fixed solely to her. Gathering the tatters of her composure back together, she smiles.

"Thank you."

Under the warmth of the sun, golden and blinding but beautiful all the same, Elaine admires the sharpness of his features, the glimmer of sunset caught in baby blue irises and pastel yellow lashes. He is beautiful. Mustering every bit of courage within her, Elaine raises her hand and grasps Arlo's in hers, tangling their fingers together. Anxiety blooms in her chest, she expects him to pull his hand back, but much to her surprise, Arlo does not pull away from her. She glances at their intertwined hands then back to him and her breath hitches when that small, ghost of a smile widens. Amusement and mischief (–who would have thought Elaine would see the day Arlo looks at her with a fondness that makes her heart soar) colours his eyes, Elaine yelps when Arlo pulls her closer to him, her cheek pressed against his broad chest. The ever reddening blush on her cheek worsens when Arlo guides her other hand to his shoulder before he languidly rests it on the curve of her hip.

The loud and upbeat music changes to something soft and slow, over Elaine's head, Arlo could see Holden by the DJ, holding both of his hands up. Arlo rolls his eyes, he was sure that if he squinted, he will see his friend grinning at him. Deciding to ignore him in favour of shifting his attention back to Elaine, a smile finds its way back on his lips as he takes initiative and begins to move. Elaine follows suit, their bodies pressed together, moving to the sway of the slow tune. He holds his arm over her head and gently spins her then draws her back to his arms, her back pressed against his chest. Elaine grins then breaks into fits of laughter as Arlo spins her once more and brings them back to their original state.

"I didn't know you could dance." She teases. Arlo smirks, removing his hand from her waist, he tilts her chin upwards and makes her stare into his eyes. Butterflies flutter in the pit of her stomach, her eyes widening a fraction when Arlo leans in, their noses brushing.

"I don't." He whispers, Elaine could feel his breath fan her face, a mixture of rum and lime and mint. "Romance movies taught me all I know, it turns out that Holden has an obsession for them." Arlo pulls back and smiles, chuckling at how disappointment briefly flickers on her features.

"Did it also teach you how to be a tease?" Arlo's smile widens.

"I was always one, you just never noticed." Arlo dips his head once more and plants a kiss on her forehead. Elaine couldn't help but laugh, wrapping her arms around his neck, she was content with what they have right now. She was content with being in his arms, his lips pressed softly against her forehead as they swayed to the beat of the song, their motion languorous but fluid. Maybe those years of waiting had been worth it. 


have I told you guys I'm terrible at fluff?? because I am and this is actually one of the first few cute things i've written without making me want to gouge my eyes out hahahaha-- 

for those who requested Arlaine, @CelestialDraco6 and @SebastianosHair, I hope this was acceptable! 

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