spoiled by you [remlo]

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Loving Arlo is like loving the earth itself; steady and firm, a slow love that nurtures and provides. It wasn't something she expected, but Remi wouldn't have it any other way. He is her rock, the gravity that keeps her grounded when she feels like floating away.

Loving Arlo is like nature blooming in her chest, flowers blooming in her lungs that renders her breathless when he smiles at her so softly as his fingers trace constellations across her cheeks and his lips press against the crown of her head. Remi melts in his arms, the smell of lush pine and petrichor filling her nostrils, like a forest that provides and shelters, it feels like home.

"You're being weirdly affectionate." He says, trailing butterfly kisses underneath the line of her jaw. Remi giggles and treads her fingers through his blond hair, playing with the strands.

"Well, you gave me the last slice of the chocolate cake so I'm happy!" Arlo stops and lifts his head to meet her gaze, an eyebrow raised. His lips quirk into an amused smile as he wraps his arms around her waist and rolls over, switching their position and letting Remi rest on his chest. He tangles his fingers through her locks of soft pink, bringing the loose strands of hair to his lips.

"Is that all you're really happy about?" Remi grins and sits up, straddling him.

"Well, you see, today I got to see a really cute side of you!" Arlo groans at that, releasing where she is going with this already. "Who would have thought that the great ice king is actually a jealous jelly bean."

Remi plops down, her elbows resting on his chest and her chin propped against the palm of her hands. Her grin eases into a soft smile as she leans down and kisses the top of his nose. "It's just refreshing to see, that's all."

Arlo remains silent, a slight tinge of red tinting his cheeks to the tip of his ears as he refuses to acknowledge his burst of jealousy earlier today. It's not like him, he admits, and yet he reacted that way. He wanted her attention, wanted to keep her attention on him and on him only. Reaching out, he cups her cheeks and sighs, a slight pout on his lips.

"Well, you've been paying way too much attention on those idiots for the past few days." He mutters, the light flush darkening as he speaks. "I'm your boyfriend." He reminds her and Remi nearly squeals at how adorable he sounds. She contains herself though, instead, she smiles and lays her head against his chest, listening to his steadying heartbeat.

"I'm know, I'm sorry, it's just that we've been busy with planning for the safe house and everything that I—" Arlo rests a hand on her head, distracting her from her line of thoughts as she looks up to him.

"I understand, you don't have to apologize, but thank you." He kisses her forehead before he captures her lips with his.

Her heart flutters as she wraps her arms around his neck languidly, pulling him in deeper. When Arlo pulls back, she softly whines, chasing after the softness and warmth of his lips. "Another one."

"I'd be spoiling you." He answers, amused as he traces his thumb just beneath the curves of her mouth.

"You always spoil me, this isn't much different."

Shaking his head, Arlo gives in to her demand and kisses her all over again, "That's true."

It's not a complaint but an admittance of his defeat, he supposes he could never win against her. Not that he minds. No, Arlo doesn't mind at all.


so uh, yeah, established relationship fluff rather than pining because that's how we do it here.

a shoutout to @NovemberSpringDay for the prompt of this oneshot!

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